Repellin Moreno, Adriana Agnes
Everything is connected : exploring pathways towards environmental awareness within Universidad Panamericana’s community through a learning by design, active and multidisciplinary experience
Entrepreneurship and innovation lab : a proposal for the enhancement of an entrepreneurial profile in undergraduate students
Increasing university students engagement : a guide on how to achieve it in extracurricular non-mandatory academic experiences based on Success Center know how
How to generate a motivative, effective, trusting, innovative and creative work environment that fosters the creation of innovative educational experiences : Smart Center ideation
Success Center : a center for the development of soft skills among Universidad Panamericana students
Values and resilience of Mexico City : a workshop designed with an ethical approach to change the perception of Universidad Panamericana's campus community to deal with natural disasters
Organizing your life like a boss : an online experience for the enhancement of effective time management strategies