Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio
Single-inductor resonant switched capacitor voltage multiplier with safe commutation
Closed-loop online harmonic vibration estimation in DC electric motor systems
Input current ripple cancelation by interleaving boost and Cuk DC-DC converter
Quadratic buck–boost converter with positive output voltage and continuous input current for PEMFC systems
Voltage and Current Switching-Ripple Cancelation in the Double Dual Boost Converter
A Step-Up Converter with Large Voltage Gain and Low Voltage Rating on Capacitors
Quadratic gain converter with output voltage ripple mitigation
Quadratic buck–boost converter with positive output voltage and minimum ripple point design
Energy Recycling Laboratory Experimental Test Bench for Three-Phase FACTS Devices Prototypes
Single-Phase Five-Level Multilevel Inverter Based on a Transistors Six-Pack Module