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Signal differentiation in position tracking control of dc motors

2015 , F Beltran-Carbajal , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Rosas-caro, Julio

An asymptotic differentiation approach with respect to time is used for on-line estimation of velocity and acceleration signals in controlled dc motors. The attractive feature of this differentiator of signals is that it does not require any system mathematical model, which allows its use in engineering systems that require the signal differentiation for its control, identification, fault detection, among other applications. Moreover, it is shown that the differentiation approach can be applied for output signals showing a chaotic behavior. In addition a differential flatness control scheme with additional integral compensation of the output error is proposed for tracking tasks of position reference trajectories for direct current electric motors using angular position measurements only.

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Corrigendum to “Quadratic buck–boost converter with positive output voltage and continuous input current for PEMFC systems” [Int J Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 30400–30406]

2018 , Rosas-caro, Julio , Victor M. Sanchez , Jesus E. Valdez-Resendiz , Mayo Maldonado, Jonathan , Francisco Beltran-Carbajal , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio

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Quadratic Buck–Boost Converter With Zero Output Voltage Ripple at a Selectable Operating Point

2019 , Mayo Maldonado, Jonathan , Jesus E. Valdez-Resendiz , Pedro M. Garcia-Vite , Rosas-caro, Julio , M. del Rosario Rivera-Espinosa , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio

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Power quality improvement by interleaving unequal switching converters

2016 , Arias-Angulo Juan Pedro , Rosas-caro, Julio , Beltran-Carbajal Francisco , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Haro-Sandoval, Eduardo , Gutiérrez-Alcalá, Salvador , Alejo-Reyes, Avelina , Garcia-Vite Pedro Martin

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Quadratic buck–boost converter with positive output voltage and continuous input current for PEMFC systems

2017 , Rosas-caro, Julio , Victor M. Sanchez , Jesus E. Valdez-Resendiz , Mayo Maldonado, Jonathan , Francisco Beltran-Carbajal , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio

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A Dynamic Motion Tracking Control Approach for a Quadrotor Aerial Mechanical System

2020 , Hugo Yañez-Badillo , Francisco Beltran-Carbajal , Ruben Tapia-Olvera , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Antonio Favela-Contreras , Rosas-caro, Julio , Pierangelo Masarati

This paper deals with the reference trajectory tracking problem and simultaneous active disturbance suppression on a class of controlled aerial mechanical systems by processing measurable output signals. A novel dynamic control method for desired motion reference trajectory tracking for quadrotor helicopters is introduced. Measurements of position output signals for efficient and robust tracking of motion profiles specified for the unmanned aerial vehicle are only required. Thus, differentiation of signals and real-time estimation of disturbances affecting the multi-input multioutput, underactuated nonlinear dynamic system are unnecessary. The presented active control approach can be directly extended for a class of vibrating mechanical systems. Analytical, experimental, and numerical results are presented to prove the satisfactory performance of the proposed trajectory tracking control approach for considerably perturbed operating scenarios.

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Double Dual High Step-Up Power Converter with Reduced Stored Energy

2023 , Robles-Campos, Héctor R. , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Rosas-caro, Julio , Hossam A. Gabbar , Bhanu Babaiahgari

This paper introduces a dual-switchhigh step-up DC-DC power converter. The proposed converter features a high step-up voltage gain, relatively low cumulative stored energy over its inductors, low voltage stress on the active switches, and high efficiency, even at a relatively high duty ratio. An assessment of the proposed converter against conventional boost and a high step-up power converter is presented in terms of steady-state time, voltage gain, stored energy over its inductors, and efficiency. The assessment shows a reduction of 81.25% and 62.5% of stored energy in inductors to comply with the same operational conditions. Simulation and experimental results are provided to validate the benefits of the proposed dual-switch high step-up power converter.

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Extended PI Feedback Tracking Control for Synchronous Motors

2019 , Francisco Beltran-Carbajal , Ruben Tapia-Olvera , Irvin Lopez-Garcia , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Rosas-caro, Julio , Jose Luis Hernandez-Avila

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Active Disturbance Rejection Control of a Magnetic Suspension System

2014 , Francisco Beltran-Carbajal , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Antonio R. Favela-Contreras , Rosas-caro, Julio

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A Double Dual Boost Converter with Switching Ripple Cancellation for PEMFC Systems

2020 , Carlos A. Villarreal-Hernandez , Javier Loranca-Coutiño , Mayo Maldonado, Jonathan , Jesus E. Valdez-Resendiz , Pedro M. García-Vite , Valderrabano-Gonzalez, Antonio , Rosas-caro, Julio

This paper presents a current-based control for a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell using the so-called double dual boost topology. In particular, we introduce a discrete time controller that, in coordination with a particular selection of inductors and capacitors, minimizes the switching ripple at the input port (current ripple) and the output port (voltage ripple) of the double dual boost converter. This converter has a particular characteristic, in contrast to the classical interleaved boost topology, in the double dual boost, the phases of the converter can have different duty ratios. The freedom to choose the duty ration for each phase can be used to select the operative point in which the input current is equal to zero. However, if individual controllers are used for each branch of the converter, the equilibrium after a transient can differ from the minimum ripple operation point; the proposed scheme regulates the output voltage and, at the same time, ensures the equilibrium remains in the minimum ripple operation in steady state. In this way, the converter can mitigate the harmonic distortion on the current extracted from the proton-exchange membrane fuel cell, which is beneficial to improve the efficiency and lifetime of the cell, and on the output voltage delivered to an output direct current bus. The results of the experiment are presented to validate the principles of the proposed system.