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Primeras lecciones a 2 años del T-MEC

2022 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Export and import composition as determinants of bilateral trade in goods: evidence from Russia

2019 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio , Carlos A. Carrasco

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Never married and earnings: evidence from Russia

2020 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of civil status on wage earnings in post-Soviet Russia. Education and work experience are the key explanatory variables according to the Mincer function. In view of that, here, an extension of the Mincer equation is estimated, focusing on never married individuals versus other civil status (married people). Thus, testing the female wage penalty and the male wage premium hypotheses.Design/methodology/approachThis study is based on dynamic panel data models, underlining the autoregressive nature of earnings, controlling for time-invariant independent variables and adding marriage as an explanatory variable. The models are estimated using longitudinal data over the years 2000–2017, taken from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey.FindingsThe results indicate that never married Russians do not obtain higher levels of wage earnings in comparison with those who are married or correspond to other civil status. However, there is evidence supporting a wage premium for men and weak evidence of a penalty for women. That is, the regression results indicate a wage penalty for never married men and a wage premium for never married women, yet this last finding is not robust. Therefore, the general findings of this research only partially agree with the most recent evidence in developed countries, where marriage is not anymore associated with wages.Originality/valueThese findings are highly relevant for public policies related to family development, a major concern for the Russian Government during the last two decades. There is a common idea that avoiding marriage is associated with intentions to obtain higher levels of earnings, but this is a problem of myopia.

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Market discipline in the Central American banking system

2017 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

The hypothesis of market discipline is empirically verified in the Central American banking system. A contrast is carried out on whether the riskier banks (the ones with the worst banking fundamentals) pay higher interest rates and receive smaller amounts in deposits. The generalized method of moments is used for dynamic panel data models (the SYS GMM estimator), as well as a sample of 30 banks from six Central American countries during the 2008–2012 period. Unlike the majority of the previous empirical literature, specifically for developed countries, no evidence of market discipline was found in Central America. The results are robust for several indicators of the banking fundamentals for purposes of internal demand of bank capital, and for other econometric models. These findings indicate weaknesses in the bank policy regarding the disclosure of information. © 2017 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración

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Bilingual schooling and wage income: the case of Tatarstan in Russia

2020 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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The impact of socioeconomic status and population size on the use of the Tatar language at home

2018 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio , Evgeny Podmazin

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Export composition and the eurozone trade balance in manufacturing goods

2020 , Carrasco, C.A. , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Impacto de la estructura tributaria sobre el crecimiento económico: el caso de México

2018 , Banda-Ortiz Humberto , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

En este artículo se estudia empíricamente el impacto de la estructura tributaria sobre el crecimiento económico de México de 2005 a 2016. Se desarrolló un modelo econométrico usando como variables independientes: impuesto sobre la renta, impuesto al valor agregado, impuesto especial sobre la producción y servicios e impuesto sobre las importaciones. Los resultados mostraron un efecto negativo y significativo sobre el PIB per cápita del impuesto sobre la renta. Por el contrario, el impuesto al valor agregado mostró impactos positivos. Por lo tanto, la recomendación es apoyar una estructura tributaria donde el impuesto sobre la renta tenga poca relevancia. Por la falta de datos para algunas variables para años previos al 2005, el análisis está limitado al periodo de estudio enunciado. No obstante, esta es la primera investigación sobre el nexo crecimiento económico y estructura fiscal para México, aunque dicho nexo se ha estudiado en varios países desarrollados y en unos pocos países en vías de desarrollo. En línea con esa literatura, en México también se encuentra que la estructura tributaria afecta el crecimiento económico en el largo plazo.

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Determinants of Public Debt Dynamics in Transition and Post-Transition Economies

2024 , Carlos A. Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Religiosity and Wage Earnings in Post-Soviet Russia

2020 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

Abstract This article empirically studies the relationship between religiosity, to be a believer or not and to what extent, and wage earnings in post-Soviet Russia. Mincer equations are estimated adding religious affiliation and religiosity as explanatory variables and using dynamic specifications, controlling for endogeneity and time-invariant independent variables. The empirical strategy includes working age individuals (eighteen to sixty) and uses longitudinal data (2000–2017). The results suggest that male believers suffer a wage penalty, about 7%. Moreover, on average, Muslims obtain lower earnings than do individuals from other religious affiliations, roughly 21% less income; for female Muslims this figure is even higher, about 38%. Nonetheless, analysing younger individuals (eighteen to forty-two), the findings are slightly different. In this case, female believers suffer a wage penalty, about 5%. The findings are robust under different specifications, controlling for education, work experience, civil status, migration background, ethnicity, city size, occupation, and macroeconomic conditions.