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Primeras lecciones a 2 años del T-MEC

2022 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Determinants of Public Debt Dynamics in Transition and Post-Transition Economies

2024 , Carlos A. Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Determinantes del balance comercial bilateral de México: ingreso, tipo de cambio y composición de las exportaciones

2020 , Carlos Alberto Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

En este artículo se utilizan modelos dinámicos con datos de panel para estudiar los determinantes del balance comercial bilateral de México con 39 socios comerciales en el periodo 1990-2016. La literatura señala al ingreso y al tipo de cambio real como las variables independientes clave. Asimismo, se incluye la composición de las exportaciones como variable explicativa (algo ignorado previamente). Los resultados difieren de otras investigaciones: no se encuentra evidencia robusta sobre el efecto del ingreso, hay evidencia de la importancia del tipo de cambio real y se encuentra un nexo positivo, aunque débil, con las exportaciones consistentes de bienes de alta tecnología, lo cual explica parcialmente el persistente déficit comercial de México.

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Religiosity and Entrepreneurship in Post-Soviet Russia

2022 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

This article empirically studies the associations between religion (Orthodox Christianity, Islam, and non-religion), religiosity (to be a believer or not, and to what extent), religious participation (attending divine services, meetings or other religious events) and the probabilities of being an entrepreneur in post-Soviet Russia. Using logistic regressions and data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, the findings suggest lower likelihoods of being an entrepreneur in the case of Orthodox Christians, religiosity shows mixed results, and religious participation presents positive links (increasing the probabilities of becoming an entrepreneur). Nevertheless, the negative association between Orthodoxy and entrepreneurship lacks statistical significance in several specifications. Indeed, only religious participation shows robust results, particularly for men. Note that religious participation is linked to social capital, namely, networking, facilitating resources for entrepreneurship. Therefore, in Russia, the religion-entrepreneurship nexus is associated with participation, and not precisely with religious affiliations or beliefs.

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Impacto de la estructura tributaria sobre el crecimiento económico: el caso de México

2018 , Banda-Ortiz Humberto , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

En este artículo se estudia empíricamente el impacto de la estructura tributaria sobre el crecimiento económico de México de 2005 a 2016. Se desarrolló un modelo econométrico usando como variables independientes: impuesto sobre la renta, impuesto al valor agregado, impuesto especial sobre la producción y servicios e impuesto sobre las importaciones. Los resultados mostraron un efecto negativo y significativo sobre el PIB per cápita del impuesto sobre la renta. Por el contrario, el impuesto al valor agregado mostró impactos positivos. Por lo tanto, la recomendación es apoyar una estructura tributaria donde el impuesto sobre la renta tenga poca relevancia. Por la falta de datos para algunas variables para años previos al 2005, el análisis está limitado al periodo de estudio enunciado. No obstante, esta es la primera investigación sobre el nexo crecimiento económico y estructura fiscal para México, aunque dicho nexo se ha estudiado en varios países desarrollados y en unos pocos países en vías de desarrollo. En línea con esa literatura, en México también se encuentra que la estructura tributaria afecta el crecimiento económico en el largo plazo.

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The Association between Sport Activities and Educational Achievements: Evidence from Russian Longitudinal Data

2018 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

This paper empirically studies the association between sport activities and educational achievements of school students from 1st to 11th grade. The used sample included observations over the period 2010-2015 taken from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (waves 19-24), which is a unique nationally representative survey. The method consisted of logit regressions with panel data, which allows control for time-invariant explanatory variables. The empirical analysis was divided into sport activities at school (in class) and out-of-school (before or after classes). Furthermore, the regression analysis examined the effect of three large groups of sport activities: 1) Combat sports, such as karate, judo, self-defense, wrestling, and boxing, 2) Ball sports, such as tennis, soccer, basketball, and volleyball, 3) Athletic sports, such as track and field, skiing, and skating. General speaking, the findings indicated that sport activities at school do not have significant associations with educational achievements. On the other hand, sport activities out-of-school showed some positive relationships. Specifically, participation in athletic and combat sports increases the probabilities of boys and girls, respectively, of being classified as high-performing students. Moreover, male students practicing ball sports out-of-school are less likely to be classified as low-performing students. The time that students spent on these sports does not influence these probabilities. However, male students spending more than 10 hours per week on sports (high-performance sportsmen) are more likely than other students of being linked to the group of low-performing students.

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Export composition and the eurozone trade balance in manufacturing goods

2020 , Carrasco, C.A. , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Bilingual schooling and wage income: the case of Tatarstan in Russia

2020 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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The associations of different types of sports and exercise with health status and diseases: evidence from Russian longitudinal data

2021 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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The impact of socioeconomic status and population size on the use of the Tatar language at home

2018 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio , Evgeny Podmazin