Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
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The impact of socioeconomic status and population size on the use of the Tatar language at home

2018 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio , Evgeny Podmazin

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Determinantes del balance comercial bilateral de México: ingreso, tipo de cambio y composición de las exportaciones

2020 , Carlos Alberto Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

En este artículo se utilizan modelos dinámicos con datos de panel para estudiar los determinantes del balance comercial bilateral de México con 39 socios comerciales en el periodo 1990-2016. La literatura señala al ingreso y al tipo de cambio real como las variables independientes clave. Asimismo, se incluye la composición de las exportaciones como variable explicativa (algo ignorado previamente). Los resultados difieren de otras investigaciones: no se encuentra evidencia robusta sobre el efecto del ingreso, hay evidencia de la importancia del tipo de cambio real y se encuentra un nexo positivo, aunque débil, con las exportaciones consistentes de bienes de alta tecnología, lo cual explica parcialmente el persistente déficit comercial de México.

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Determinants of Public Debt Dynamics in Transition and Post-Transition Economies

2024 , Carlos A. Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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A note on institutional trust and poverty: evidence from Latin America

2023 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

This short paper argues that institutional trust should be considered as an additional factor influencing poverty at the macroeconomic level. By examining a sample of Latin American countries and analyzing annual data from 1995 to 2019 using panel data techniques such as cointegration analysis and panel fully modified least squares, this study estimates the long-term relationships between poverty, economic growth, inequality, and institutional trust. As hypothesized, the empirical evidence suggests that institutional trust also reduces poverty. These findings hold particular significance for Latin America, where inequality levels are relatively high, institutional trust is low, and poverty rates have only recently begun to decline. Therefore, to alleviate poverty, it is crucial to implement public policies that restore and enhance institutional trust.

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Export composition and the eurozone trade balance in manufacturing goods

2020 , Carrasco, C.A. , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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2018 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Immigrant Background or Assertiveness? In the Search of Key Factors for the Academic Progress of Migrant Children

2018 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Trade and growth in developing countries: the role of export composition, import composition and export diversification

2020 , Carlos A. Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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High-tech trade as determinant of the US bilateral trade balance

2022 , Carlos A. Carrasco , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

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Religiosity and Entrepreneurship in Post-Soviet Russia

2022 , Tovar-García, Edgar Demetrio

This article empirically studies the associations between religion (Orthodox Christianity, Islam, and non-religion), religiosity (to be a believer or not, and to what extent), religious participation (attending divine services, meetings or other religious events) and the probabilities of being an entrepreneur in post-Soviet Russia. Using logistic regressions and data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, the findings suggest lower likelihoods of being an entrepreneur in the case of Orthodox Christians, religiosity shows mixed results, and religious participation presents positive links (increasing the probabilities of becoming an entrepreneur). Nevertheless, the negative association between Orthodoxy and entrepreneurship lacks statistical significance in several specifications. Indeed, only religious participation shows robust results, particularly for men. Note that religious participation is linked to social capital, namely, networking, facilitating resources for entrepreneurship. Therefore, in Russia, the religion-entrepreneurship nexus is associated with participation, and not precisely with religious affiliations or beliefs.