Dávalos, Héctor
A Ground Motion Prediction Model for Average Spectral Acceleration
Response spectral damping modification factors for structures built on soft soils
Directionality of horizontal components of ground motions recorded on soft soil sites
Overview of collapsed buildings in Mexico City after the 19 September 2017 (Mw7.1) earthquake
Enhanced Two-Stripe Analysis for Efficient Estimation of the Probability of Collapse
Filtered incremental velocity: A novel approach in intensity measures for seismic collapse estimation
Evaluation of the Scaling Factor Bias Influence on the Probability of Collapse Using Sa(T1) as the Intensity Measure
Robustness evaluation of fiv3 using near-fault pulse-like ground motions
Evaluation of bias on the probability of collapse from amplitude scaling using spectral‐shape‐matched records
Damping Modification Factors for Structures Built on Soft Soils