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Simple design of a PFC Device based on Switched Capacitors using Analog and Digital Circuits

2020 , Ruiz-Martinez, O.F. , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo

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Bidimensional Deterministic Model for Diffusion and Settling of Particles

2023 , Stephanie Esmeralda Velázquez Pérez , Eric Campos-Cantón , Guillermo Huerta Cuellar , Héctor Eduardo Gilardi Velázquez

In this paper, we present a study of the diffusion properties of a deterministic model for settling particles in two displacement dimensions. The particularities of the novel deterministic model include the generation of Brownian motion and a two-dimensional displacement model without stochastic processes, which are governed by a set of six differential equations. This model is a piecewise system consisting of subsystems governed by jerk equations. With this model, we can consider different conditions of diffusion in both the dimensions and size of the space where the particles are dispersed. The settling time versus the dispersion medium and its size, as well as the average settling time and its probability distributions, are analyzed. Furthermore, the probability distributions for the settling location are presented for the changes in the diffusion parameters and space size. Finally, the basins of attraction for the settling positions are shown as a function of each dimensional diffusion parameter and for the medium size.

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Generation of Self-Excited, Hidden and Non-Self-Excited Attractors in Piecewise Linear Systems

2023 , Eric Campos Cantón , Rodolfo de Jesús Escalante González , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo

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Multistability Emergence through Fractional-Order-Derivatives in a PWL Multi-Scroll System

2020 , José Luis Echenausía-Monroy , Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar , Rider Jaimes-Reátegui , Juan Hugo García-López , Vicente Aboites , Cassal Quiroga, Bahia Betzavet , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo

In this paper, the emergence of multistable behavior through the use of fractional-order-derivatives in a Piece-Wise Linear (PWL) multi-scroll generator is presented. Using the integration-order as a bifurcation parameter, the stability in the system is modified in such a form that produces a basin of attraction segmentation, creating many stable states as scrolls are generated in the integer-order system. The results here presented reproduce the same phenomenon reported in systems with integer-order derivatives, where the multistable regimen is obtained through a parameter variation. The multistable behavior reported is also validated through electronic simulation. The presented results are not only applicable in engineering fields, but they also enrich the analysis and the understanding of the implications of using fractional integration orders, boosting the development of further and better studies.

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Time Management of Modes of Operation for Survival of a Satellite Mission: Power Simulation in MATLAB and STK

2021 , Manuel González , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo , Gutiérrez, Sebastián , Ruiz-Martinez, O.F.

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Speckle noise reduction, in amplitude holograms, using a limited-bandwidth random phase generated by a chaotic map

2024-01-01 , Cruz, Maria-Luisa , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo

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Intermittency induced in a bistable multiscroll attractor by means of stochastic modulation

2019-01-01 , Echenausía-Monroy, José L. , Huerta-Cuellar, Guillermo , Jaimes-Reátegui, Rider , García-López, Juan H. , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo

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Multistability route in a PWL multi-scroll system through fractional-order derivatives

2022 , J.L. Echenausía-Monroy , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo , Ning Wang , R. Jaimes-Reátegui , J.H. García-López , G. Huerta-Cuellar

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Emergence of a square chaotic attractor through the collision of heteroclinic orbits

2020 , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo

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Optical Energy Increasing in a Synchronized Motif-Ring Array of Autonomous Erbium-Doped Fiber Lasers

2024 , José Octavio Esqueda de la Torre , Juan Hugo García-López , Rider Jaimes-Reátegui , José Luis Echenausía-Monroy , Eric Emiliano López-Muñoz , Gilardi Velázquez, Héctor Eduardo , Guillermo Huerta-Cuellar

This work investigates the enhancement of optical energy in the synchronized dynamics of three erbium-doped fiber lasers (EDFLs) that are diffusively coupled in a unidirectional ring configuration without the need for external pump modulation. Before the system shows stable high-energy pulses, different dynamic behaviors can be observed in the dynamics of the coupled lasers. The evolution of the studied system was analyzed using different techniques for different values of coupling strength. The system shows the well-known dynamic behavior towards chaos at weak coupling, starting with a fixed point at low coupling and passing through Hopf and torus bifurcations as the coupling strength increases. An interesting finding emerged at high coupling strengths, where phase locking occurs between the frequencies of the three lasers of the system. This phase-locking leads to a significant increase in the peak energy of the EDFL pulses, effectively converting the emission into short, high amplitude pulses. With this method, it is possible to significantly increase the peak energy of the laser compared to a continuous EDFL single pulse.