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Dilemas actuales de la educación jurídica en México

2015 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio

La profesión jurídica enfrenta nuevos dilemas tanto en el ámbito de la educación como en el foro al que está dirigida. Los dilemas de la profesión son producto del agotamiento del modelo moderno y del aumento del nivel de complejidad. Ello plantea la necesidad de realizar diagnósticos adecuados y propuestas de superación. El presente artículo busca aproximarse a algunos de ellos. ©2015. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Panamericana.

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Implantación del "logos" económico en el sistema jurídico político mexicano

2001 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio , JOSE ANTONIO LOZANO DIEZ;31378 , Campus Ciudad de México

El sistema jurídico mexicano, influido fatalmente por la política, ha definido sus contenidos por razón de Estado, esto es, el sentido del derecho se ha caracterizado por coincidir con los crntros de interés cercano a la praxis y manutención del poder político.

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La nueva Ley Federal de Procedimiento Administrativo

1994 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio

Con fecha 4 de agosto de 1994 apareció publicada en el Diario Oficial la Ley Federal de Procedimiento Administrativo, respondiendo a las políticas de simplificación y formalidad de la Administración Pública federal, así como a la cada vez más urgente necesidad de unificación de los recursos administrativos de los particulares como medio apto para la defensa de los particulares ante ella.

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Dynamics of prices and consumption of unhealthy foods as a monitoring tool of the strategy against obesity in Mexico

2020 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román

Introduction: Mexico faces an epidemic of overweight and obesity, in 2018 75% of adults were overweight or obese. This condition as a risk factor generates a significant financial impact in the Health Sector. In response, the National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity, and Diabetes was implemented in 2013, which included as one of its pillars the implementation of fiscal policies. As part of fiscal policy, taxes were established on sugary drinks and foods with high-calorie content. Seven years after the implementation of the Strategy to control the epidemic of overweight and obesity, there have been some results. However, it is necessary to continue working and especially monitoring the performance of the different actions implemented. Objectives: Propose an analytical intelligence model for monitoring the fiscal policies implemented to control overweight and obesity in Mexico. Methods: The proposed analytical intelligence model considers three methodological bases, a) price index of healthy and unhealthy foods through Principal Component Analysis, b) volatility measurement of both baskets through a GARCH model and c) monitoring of consumption patterns through household income and expenditure surveys. Results: The main results identified a price differential between the baskets of products healthy and unhealthy, especially at the beginning of the fiscal policy. Healthy products have higher price volatility than unhealthy products and according to consumption patterns, on average Mexican households spend 30% of their food expenditure on unhealthy products. Conclusion: To strengthen fiscal actions to control overweight and obesity, it is recommended to have monitoring systems for the dynamic design and implementation of public policies. Although taxes have reduced in some grade the consumption of unhealthy products, it is necessary to promote the affordability of healthy products, helping to improve the diet of Mexican households. © 2019 José Antonio Lozano Díez & Roman Rodríguez Aguilar, licensed to European Alliance for Innovation.

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De la razón de Estado a la razón de mercado

2003 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio , JOSE ANTONIO LOZANO DIEZ;31378

I. El Estado moderno. II. la monopolización de lo público. III. El nuevo citoyen. IV. La disyuntiva libertad-igualdad. V. Burocratización. VI. Welfare state: perfeccionamiento del sistema. VII. Razón de Estado y sistema jurídico. VIII. Control del sistema macroeconómico. IX. La tecnocracia.

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Designing a resilient supply chain: An approach to reduce drug shortages in epidemic outbreaks

2020 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio , Marmolejo Saucedo, José Antonio , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román

Introduction: Supply network design is a long-studied topic that has evolved to address disruptive situations. The risk of supply chain disruption leads to the development of resilient supply chains that are capable of reacting effectively. Objectives: In the context of public health, drug supply networks face shortage challenges in many situations, such as current epidemic outbreaks such as COVID-19. Drug shortages can occur due to manufacturing problems, lack of infrastructure, and immediate reaction mechanisms. Methods: The case study is solved with anyLogistix optimization and simulation software. RESULTS: We present the results of a hypothetical study on the impact of COVID-19 on a regional supply network. The results of this research are intended to be the basis for the design of resilient supply chains in epidemic outbreaks. Conclusión: Drug providers should consider strategies to prevent or reduce the impact of shortages as well as disruption spreads. ©2020 José Antonio Lozano Díez, José Antonio Marmolejo Saucedo & Roman Rodríguez Aguilar, licensed to European Alliance for Innovation.

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Roque González Garza : la convicción democrática

2010 , Saíd Ramírez, José Alberto , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio , Olaiz González, Jaime , Riva Palacio Sulser, María Elisa

Volumen 1. Presentación / José Manuel Núñez Pliego -- El segundo presidente de la Convención, el General Roque González Garza : un hombre de bien en tiempos de guerra y paz / Alberto Saíd -- La Revolución maderista y el lenguaje de la Patria : el surgimiento de un nuevo pueblo / José Antonio Lozano Díez, Jaime Olaiz González -- Iconografía Roque González Garza.|| Volumen 2. Documentos y objetos personales -- Introducción / Ma. Elisa Riva Palacio Sulser -- Línea de tiempo -- Recompensas mayores -- Carrera en ascenso -- El fin de los caudillos -- Nobleza obliga --La revuelta y el costo de una conspiración -- Facto factótum -- La Revolución se divide -- Coronel Roque González Garza -- Convención de Aguascalientes -- ¿Revolucionarios puros o puros revolucionarios? -- Semejanzas históricas -- Presidente villista -- Más vale prevenir que lamentar -- No se vale mano negra -- El asesino material de Madero -- Dinero revolucionario -- ¡No echen bala! -- Política de equilibrio -- La guerra diplomática -- Llamado a la paz -- La Conferencia Panamericana -- Amigo fiel -- Exilio -- romance clandestino -- Guerra intestina -- Vacío de poder -- Insignias militares.

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Assessing the interdependence among renewable and non-renewable energies, economic growth, and CO2 emissions in Mexico

2021 , Salazar, Héctor Francisco , Venegas-Martínez, Francisco , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio

This paper is aimed at examining the short- and long-run relationships among consumption of renewable and non-renewable energies, economic growth, and CO2 emissions in Mexico during the period 1973–2018. Data were obtained from the World Bank and the British Oil Company BP. A cointegration model together with a fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) is used to estimate possible associations among all variables. Subsequently, the Granger causality test is applied to empirically verify the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis. The main empirical results are that the variables under study explain CO2 emissions in the short and long run, with economic growth having the greatest influence on CO2 emissions, which provides empirical evidence of an EKC for Mexico. Moreover, consumption of renewable and non-renewable energies and economic growth causes in the Granger sense the current levels of CO2 emissions. Moreover, lagged GDP and lagged non-renewable energy consumption do influence (Granger cause) current CO2 emissions. Long-term policies should encourage the use of renewable energies in the electricity, transport, manufacture, and construction sectors.

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Derecho de la propiedad industrial en México

2012 , Lozano-Díez, José Antonio , JOSE ANTONIO LOZANO DIEZ;31378

Reseña del libro "El derecho de la propiedad industrial en México", de José Manuel Magaña, 2011.