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An Asset Index Proposal for Households in Mexico Applying the Mixed Principal Components Analysis Methodology

2021 , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena

The development of assets indices has grown as an alternative to measure wealth from different generations in the evaluation of social mobility. A proposal of the development of an asset index is presented using the GSVD-based mixed principal components analysis (PCAMix package in R). The contribution rests in the combination of both numerical and categorical data and the integration of the simultaneous effect of these variables in the index. It was used in profiling the Mexican households according to the information from the 2018 National Household Income and Expenditure and the determination of the Gini coefficient to evaluate the inequality of distribution at the state level. Results show a high level of disparity in the distribution of assets with only 0.01% of the households possessing 40% or more of the assets included in the index, being the southern region where greatest challenges for ascending social mobility.© Springer Nature

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Crédito hipotecario: un modelo predictivo de discriminación de riesgo

2023 , González-Rossano, Carlos , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia

Diversos estudios demuestran la relación entre el acceso a la vivienda y la superación de la pobreza. Sin embargo, existe un rezago en el acceso a la vivienda digna en México y la falta de historial crediticio es una limitante para el acceso a créditos bancarios. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar los criterios de selección de crédito hipotecario y proponer un modelo de gestión de riesgos que permita a la banca financiar a un mayor número de personas en la adquisición o mejora de su vivienda. La estrategia metodológica se basa en técnicas de aprendizaje automático apoyadas en la ciencia de datos para crear un modelo predictivo del cumplimiento del crédito basado en características individuales. Los resultados muestran un modelo predictivo de discriminación de riesgo con una confiabilidad del 85% para créditos a la vivienda, lo cual permite ampliar la base potencial de personas susceptibles de acceder a financiamiento hipotecario. El derecho a una vivienda digna presenta un rezago importante en el país y hasta ahora los bancos al proponer un modelo predictivo de selección de riesgo hipotecario se da respuesta a la pregunta de investigación que refiere a las acciones que puede ejecutar la banca para resolver el problema de falta de acceso a vivienda digna. Los bancos pueden establecer sus criterios de selección de riesgo apoyados en la ciencia y analítica de datos y la aplicación de modelos predictivos de aprendizaje automático utilizando su amplia base de datos histórica.© Revista Venezolana de Gerencia

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Sustainability and Quality of Life in Marginalized Areas: An Impact Evaluation of a Community Center in Santa Fe, Mexico

2024 , Velázquez-Salazar, Marisol , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena

The aim of this paper is to present the results of an impact evaluation of a community center in health, capacity building, and digital access, which form an approximation of quality of life, in the population of Santa Fe town in Mexico City, from 2022 to 2024. The methodology is quantitative, using an impact index and the differences in differences (DD) technique. The data were obtained from primary sources with surveys undertaken via questionnaires. The center is operated by a private university and funded by private firms. The results show a positive impact of 0.287127 out of 1 on the weighted impact index, which allows us to consider this program successful in improving the quality of life of the target population. Through impact evaluation, the effectiveness of interventions and opportunities for improvement are identified, fostering collaboration among local actors, including community members, state-run public programs, and community centers. This collaborative effort improves the quality of life, creating a sustainable community wherein each actor addresses specific needs. Impact evaluation plays a crucial role in measuring sustainability because it is a continuous improvement process that, when combined with other actions, enhances the community’s overall well-being. ©2024 MDPI, The authors.

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Access to Microfinance for Social Mobility in Mexico

2023 , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena

A reduction on both income and expenses among Mexican families after the confinement set during the pandemic worsened economic inequality and set higher obstacles for upward social mobility. A conceptual model is presented for a novel scheme of microcredits designed to facilitate families the acquisition of a group of durable household assets that improve the living conditions and allow the next generations to achieve a better socioeconomic status. When income data is not reliable or available, asset accumulation can be used as an estimation of household wealth and asset indexes are commonly used in the evaluation of intergenerational social mobility. Microcredits, on the other hand, are small-scale loans targeting to low-income groups widely used as part of poverty alleviation strategies. Studies have shown a positive relation between microcredits and social mobility and this model’s contribution is the link of these concepts with household assets that were not combined before. ©The author ©Springer Nature.

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Impacto de los microcréditos en la movilidad social en México : enfoque en la adquisición de activos entre 2003 y 2020

2023 , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román , Rivas Aceves, Salvador

La Movilidad Social se refiere a los cambios en las condiciones socioeconómicas de los individuos durante su vida o entre generaciones. La posesión de activos se ha empleado como medida del patrimonio de los hogares para evaluar su movilidad social. El presente estudio propone evaluar la relación existente entre la movilidad social y los activos de los hogares, añadiendo los microcréditos como la fuente de financiamiento para adquirir un conjunto de activos de equipamiento del hogar. Mediante un modelo de microsimulación se concluye que los microcréditos para adquisición de activos sí generan movilidad social ascendente pues permitirían que alrededor del 32% de los hogares pudieran ubicarse en un nivel socioeconómico superior. Se recomienda el diseño de un esquema mixto (público-privado) para ampliar el alcance del impacto

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Critical Factors in the Participation of Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics -STEM- Disciplines in Mexico

2024-01-01 , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , González, Fernando José Menéndez , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia

Currently, women participate in STEM areas, still with a very marked gender gap. Taking this as a reference, in this work, an investigation has been carried out based on questionnaires applied to students of STEM careers. The information obtained was analyzed using multi-criteria decision methods. In particular, the Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method was applied to determine the most favorable conditions for women to study a STEM career. Through this analysis, this research has found that women's choice of a STEM career is strongly influenced firstly by the father's profession, secondly by the mother's profession, and also has a positive impact on the discrimination to which the person has been subjected, self-motivation. And self-esteem. These results indicate that it is necessary to influence the early educational stages to provide support from the family and school environment to women so that they develop their skills around STEM careers. In future work, the data obtained could be analyzed in greater depth, considering that the richness of the open responses may be lost by coding the respondents’ opinions as categorical variables. ©Springer.