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"La mística de la feminidad" de Betty Friedan y "El género en disputa" de Judith Butler : dos textos emblemáticos del siglo XX

2014 , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles , Mier y Terán Sierra, Rocío , Campus Ciudad de México

La gran distancia que hay entre los planteamientos y objetivos de la segunda y tercera ola feminista se estudian a través del análisis heurístico de dos textos emblemáticos: La mística de la feminidad de Betty Friedan y El género en disputa. El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad escrito por Judith Butler. La tesis se centra en las siguientes categorías argumentativas: mujer y varón, maternidad y paternidad, sujeto e identidad, género y sexo, deseo y corporeidad, reconocimiento, lenguaje, poder y sentido de trascendencia. Se investigan también las ideas guía, las circunstancias históricas y la composición narrativa de cada uno de los textos, así como el perfil biográfico de ambas autoras.

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Rebuilding the Temple of Graces: Gift-giving as the Foundation of Care

2018 , Scalzo, Germán , Moreno Almárcegui, Antonio , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles

The concept of "care" has recently emerged to expand the idea of rationality in economics, introducing insights that have traditionally been restricted to the so-called third sector (non-profit), and, as a result, questioning mainstream economics. This article is based on the thesis that the development and functionality of the market and the state are a result of something previous, i.e., the presence of the gift in social relations. The idea of the gift is related with charis, which is at the root of care and is in addition closely related to the religious concepts of grace and charity. In order to show that this notion was present in the Western classical tradition- from Aristotle to Scholastic thought-this article traces the foundation and evolution of money through the lens of social interaction in terms of friendship and fraternity. Finally, it suggests that a social order based exclusively on contractual exchange relations is a consequence of an interpretation of the gift as a pure and generous gesture without the moral obligation of reciprocity. In opposition to that thesis, critics of modern economics, including feminist and Catholic thinkers, come together to defend the superiority of gift over contract, that is to say, of distributive over commutative justice. © 2018 OEconomia. All rights reserved.

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Competency curriculum for the bachelor's degree of hospitality management, ESDAI

2011 , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles , Campus Ciudad de México

The paper describes the 3-year process to update the Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality Management curriculum at ESDAI, a school founded 40 years ago and that has more than 1,700 graduates. The methodology used followed many of the recommendations of the Alfa-Tuning Project for Latin America and Europe. The process enabled us to reinforce the following aspects: this Bachelor's Degree is very attractive for many women that desire to work with great professionalism in all the activities related to the hospitality industry; the student must have a special sensibility to recognize the dignity of any person and understand the value of service in a society imbued with utilitarian and individualistic criteria. The hospitality industry is changing continually, but the essence always remains "make people feel at home"

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La noción de cuerpo en Judith Butler : una estructura imaginada, producto del deseo

2017 , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles

El tema de la corporalidad en la producción filosófica y política de Judith Butler es altamente polémico por la peculiar postura butleriana de poner en tela de juicio cualquier realidad enraizada con tintes normativos. Nuestro texto busca dar pautas para entender la postura y el tratamiento que esta autora hace, tanto de la corporalidad como de las estructuras de poder que constituyen al sujeto, el cual sólo tiene como posibilidad el desafiarlas, el desestabilizarlas y volverlas a configurar para significarlas como lo que son: meros constructos provisionales. En este sentido, desde la óptica butleriana es inviable lograr políticas estables. ©2016, Daimon. Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones.

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Un acercamiento a la comprensión del reto universitario ante la generación net y su integración al mundo laboral en méxico

2008 , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles , Campus Ciudad de México

El artículo se orienta hacia la comprensión de los rasgos más sobresalientes de los jóvenes nacidos en un entorno donde los cambios y avances de las TIC son ya parte de la vida cotidiana. Por esta razón, es importante considerar el reto que tiene la Universidad ante el potencial que esta generación presenta, unido a la oportunidad histórica -y quizás irrepetible-, que México tiene ante el bono poblacional de las siguientes décadas.

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En torno a la incorporación de la mujer al mercado laboral y su impacto en la esfera privada.

2010 , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles , Campus Ciudad de México

La inserción de la mujer al espacio público ha ido en aumento después de una larga historia en que, por distintas razones, estuvo excluida. Los beneficios y logros de su entrada a la vida profesional son cuantiosos pero es necesario que la sociedad, la empresa y el Estado ayuden a que sea factible lograr una sana conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar tanto del varón como de la mujer en aras de no seguir desgastando la esfera privada. En el presente artículo se abordan cuatro aspectos de esta compleja temática: 1) Una breve revisión de la conceptualización del trabajo a través de la historia; 2) Un somero recorrido de la trayectoria de la mujer en la sociedad desde la Ilustración al día de hoy; 3) Un análisis de la aportación de la mujer a la esfera pública, y 4) Una exposición de un conjunto datos que muestran la actual situación de la mujer en México y la relegación que ha sufrido en el ámbito privado, decisivo para la formación de todo ser humano. Finalmente se hacen unas cuantas propuestas en cuanto a la división y repartición de las tareas domésticas.

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Softs skills development for professor and Z gen students at Universidad Panamericana (Mexico)

2019 , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa , Padilla Lavin, Maria de los Angeles

There are new challenges in our universities with the arrival of Z Generation students. In Mexico, there are more than 33 million young men and women borned since 1995, and they have grown up in a digital environment, used to living their lives with a great variety of technological devices and gadgets. These challenges are emerging, now that they are in university classrooms, for teachers, as well as directives, that belong to prior generations like Baby Boomers, X Generation or Millennials. They have to adjust their teaching-learning process and methods, as well as the new young students. These young students show great curiosity and a utilitarian vision, that most of the times will be fulfilled with a Google search, a tutorial or social media; they look at university education, as a tool, which will allow them to enter into a job market with better possibilities. In order to incorporate these two big areas, that seem to go in opposite directions, two research studies were made in Universidad Panamericana. In the first one, participated more than 500 professors in our three campus, using quantitative and qualitative techniques, and the data obtained showed the needs, that the academics have to improve their experience with students in classrooms. In the other hand, more than 900 new students in the 2018-2022 cycle, participated in a survey about life style and learning methods. These allowed us to know their habits and studying techniques, and their expectations about university life. It showed opportunity areas to work soft skills, in parallel with their study programs in their university career. The data obtained in both of the studies was statistically analyzed using SPSS. The results are being used to evaluate and develop new courses and improving existing ones, offered by CIE, Educational innovation Center that focus in the formation of professors and SMART CENTER, a space designed to improve abilities and ideas through courses, seminars and international meetings, in order to create a more gratifying and satisfactory experience. Not only talking about hard skills, but with soft skills that will help them have a better professional development. ©2019 IATED Academy.