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An Asset Index Proposal for Households in Mexico Applying the Mixed Principal Components Analysis Methodology

2021 , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román , DelaTorre-Diaz, Lorena

The development of assets indices has grown as an alternative to measure wealth from different generations in the evaluation of social mobility. A proposal of the development of an asset index is presented using the GSVD-based mixed principal components analysis (PCAMix package in R). The contribution rests in the combination of both numerical and categorical data and the integration of the simultaneous effect of these variables in the index. It was used in profiling the Mexican households according to the information from the 2018 National Household Income and Expenditure and the determination of the Gini coefficient to evaluate the inequality of distribution at the state level. Results show a high level of disparity in the distribution of assets with only 0.01% of the households possessing 40% or more of the assets included in the index, being the southern region where greatest challenges for ascending social mobility.© Springer Nature

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Optimization of public resources through an ensemble-learning model to measure quality perception in the social protection system in health of Mexico

2018 , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román , Rivera-Peña, Gustavo

In order to optimize the use of public resources, a model of ensemble learning was proposed to measure the perception of quality in the medical care granted to the people affiliated to the social protection in health system of Mexico. Which allows a more efficient allocation of resources based on the main areas of opportunity identified in the measurement of service quality. Identify the effect of the main factors that are directly related to the satisfaction level and perception of quality of health services. A satisfaction index was built using an ensemble model using principal component analysis, logistic model and bagging meta-estimator, to identify the effect of a group of factors in the perception of quality of health services and monitor the perceived quality of users in real time. The survey data collected for the “Social Protection System in Health-SPSS 2014” was used, considering a sample of 28,290 users. The proposed index shows, in general, the positive perception of quality of health services, the national average index was of 0.0756, 95% CI [− 9.714 to 2.027]. There are factors statistically significant (P < 0.05) that influence these results, among the most important that can be highlighted is the good perception of infrastructure OR 2.12; CI [95% 1.9–2.36]; the gratuity of the service provided OR 1.98; CI [95% 1.42–2.76]; and full medicines supply OR 1.81; CI [95% 1.91–2.36]. The key factors identified that determine the perception of quality allow to define focused strategies and lines of action to improve service quality as well as better allocation of resources. ©Springer, The Authors.