Romero-Silva, Rodrigo
The effects of supply variability on the performance of assembly systems
Reducing the variability of inter-departure times of a single-server queueing system : the effects of skewness
Shop-floor scheduling as a competitive advantage: A study on the relevance of cyber-physical systems in different manufacturing contexts
Learning from the past to shape the future: A comprehensive text mining analysis of OR/MS reviews
Mapping operations research in project management: a bibliometric analysis
Performance of merging lines with uneven buffer capacity allocation: the effects of unreliability under different inventory-related costs
Estimation of Quantile Confidence Intervals for Queueing Systems Based on the Bootstrap Methodology
Is the scheduling task context-dependent? A survey investigating the presence of constraints in different manufacturing contexts
A framework for studying practical production scheduling
Studying the effects of the skewness of inter-arrival and service times on the probability distribution of waiting times