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Avances en nuevos modelos del turismo en México: Sustentabilidad, cultura e inclusión como ejes del desarrollo endógeno

2024 , Ramírez Gutiérrez, Ana Gabriela , Ilia Alvarado-sizzo , Pablo Álvarez Icaza Longoria , Karla Rosalba Anzaldua-soulé , Rebeca Elizabeth Contreras López , Cuevas Contreras Tomás Jesús , Carlos Alberto Hiriart Pardo , Edmundo Omar Matamoros Hernández , Pedro Moncada Jiménez , Ventura Enrique Mota Flores , Gerardo Novo Espinosa De Los Monteros , Kennedy Obombo Magio , Mónica Elena Ortiz Liñán , Yanelli Daniela Palmas Castrejón , Bertha Palomino Villavicencio , Mauro Rodríguez Marín , Rocío Del Carmen Serrano-barquín , Irma B. Suárez Rodríguez , Omar Trejoluna Puente , Elva Esther Vargas Martínez , Valente Vázquez Solís , Mónica Velarde Valdez , Laura Beatriz Vidal Turrubiates , Felipe Carlos Viesca - González

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A Methodological Proposal for the Complementarity of the SSM and the VSM for the Analysis of Viability in Organizations

2020 , Ramírez Gutiérrez, Ana Gabriela , Pedro Pablo Cardoso-Castro , Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla

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El turismo de eventos en México desde el Enfoque Sistémico: Un nuevo paradigma para la sostenibilidad

2021 , Ramírez Gutiérrez, Ana Gabriela

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Optimizing a Software-Defined Network by means of the Peano Curve L-System

2021 , Oswaldo Morales Matamoros , Jesús Jaime Moreno Escobar , Ricardo Tejeida Padilla , Ramírez Gutiérrez, Ana Gabriela , Pedro Flores Jiménez

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Systems Thinking Approach to Sustainable Performance in RAMSAR Sites

2019 , Sánchez-García, Jacqueline Y. , Ramírez Gutiérrez, Ana Gabriela , Cardoso Castro, Pedro Pablo , Núñez-Ríos, Juan E. , Rojas, Omar

This article explores and validates the integrated use of the viable system model (VSM) and the partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) approach to assess the sustainable management of RAMSAR sites carrying out economic activities. This work adopts a systems-thinking approach integrating systemic methodologies in three phases: (1) the VSM was first used to develop a conceptual model of the organisational problem; (2) PLS-PM was used to propose a construct to outline a solution, as well as to statistically validate the relationships proposed in the conceptual model; finally, (3) through the VSM, the relationships between actors were rethought in order to promote sustainable performance. The results obtained suggest that the joint use of VSM and PLS-PM is an effective approach that aids in the identification of relational and structural pathologies affecting the observed RAMSAR systems. It also proved useful to suggest that relationships can lead to the sustainable performance of the sites under study. It should be noted that the framework of systemic tools is constrained in its application to the organisational domain: assessing two RAMSAR areas in Mexico. Methodologically, this is the first application of the integrated use of VSM and PLS-PM to analyse the management and viability/sustainability of RAMSAR areas from an organisational perspective, opening a new avenue for the analysis and optimisation of management of such areas. This study provides tools to support actors and academics related to RAMSAR sites and opens up a discussion on how to rethink the organisational interactions in order to improve RAMSAR sites’ adaptive capabilities.

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Brain-Inspired Healthcare Smart System Based on Perception-Action Cycle

2020 , Jesús Jaime Moreno Escobar , Oswaldo Morales Matamoros , Ricardo Tejeida Padilla , Ixchel Lina Reyes , Liliana Chanona Hernández , Ramírez Gutiérrez, Ana Gabriela

This work presents the HSS-Cognitive project, which is a Healthcare Smart System that can be applied in measuring the efficiency of any therapy where neuronal interaction gives a trace whether the therapy is efficient or not, using mathematical tools. The artificial intelligence of the project underlies in the understanding of brain signals or Electroencephalogram (EEG) by means of the determination of the Power Spectral Density (PSD) over all the EEG bands in order to estimate how efficient was a therapy. Our project HSS-Cognitive was applied, recording the EEG signals from two patients treated for 8 min in a dolphin tank, measuring their activity in five experiments and for 6 min measuring their activity in a pool without dolphin in four experiments. After applying our TEA (Therapeutic Efficiency Assessment) metric for patient 1, we found that this patient had gone from having relaxation states regardless of the dolphin to attention states when the dolphin was presented. For patient 2, we found that he had maintained attention states regardless of the dolphin, that is, the DAT (Dolphin Assisted Therapy) did not have a significant effect in this patient, perhaps because he had a surgery last year in order to remove a tumor, having impact on the DAT effectiveness. However, patient 2 presented the best efficiency when doing physical therapy led by a therapist in a pool without dolphins around him. According to our findings, we concluded that our Brain-Inspired Healthcare Smart System can be considered a reliable tool for measuring the efficiency of a dolphin-assisted therapy and not only for therapist or medical doctors but also for researchers in neurosciences.