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Redesigning Corporate Social Responsibility for the Global Agenda: A Stakeholder Centric Approach for Business Survival

2019 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

This chapter argues that most organizations, institutions and business, regardless of size and line of business deliver corporate social responsibility. It is fair to say that what organizational leaders mostly get wrong is the notion that corporate social responsibility is all about giving back; that is, either to the community, environment and, sometimes, both. Discussions in this chapter put together various concepts on redesigning corporate social responsibility in context of global agenda. A stakeholder-based approach for business survival is delineated in this chapter. © 2019 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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Digital consumer behavior and medical tourism: A regional analysis in Mexico

2023 , Arrioja Castrejón, Edmundo , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie , Ramírez Pérez, Héctor Xavier , Dávila-Aragón, Griselda

Medical tourism has increasingly become an important alternative to receive healthcare services given medical systems’ limitations such as: treatment availability, access, and price. The industry has significantly grown with the availability of internet services and digital platforms which enable consumers to connect with service providers as well as other stakeholders around the world. And, considering medical tourism profiles related to travel frequency, expenditure, place, and degree of digital platform use, the question is how does digital platform use impact medical tourism consumer behavior related to the type of destination? Cluster analysis and georeferencing analytics were utilized to study the correlation between digital platform use and the preferred type of destination for medical tourism. The study shows a clear positive correlation between the variables compared.

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“Check your cognitive dissonance at the door”: corporate social responsibility driving Anti-Ism policies for inclusive growth

2022 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Organizations that align corporate social responsibility (CSR) with their corporate philosophy and governance achieve business and social growth and development by maintaining a successful stakeholder relationship. However, too many demonstrate cognitive dissonance in relation to their CSR engagement; that is, they state to be socially responsible yet participate in unethical and questionable practices. Isms are the clearest form of firms’ cognitive dissonance; the question is how can firms achieve inclusive growth while tolerating and/or enabling isms? The objective of this conceptual study is to understand the effects of cognitive dissonance related to CSR engagement on the lack of social and business growth and development. The study contributes to existing literature related to corporate social responsibility and business ethics and understanding of how firms can achieve inclusive growth by tackling CSR-related cognitive dissonance. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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University–Industry Collaboration: A Sustainable Technology Transfer Model

2021 , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Faced with the pandemic caused by COVID-19, universities worldwide are giving a powerful response to support their communities. One way to provide support is via the collaboration between universities and industries, allowing the co-creation of knowledge that leads to innovation. Historically, universities, as knowledge-intensive organizations (KIOs), have produced knowledge through research. At present, its important contribution to countries’ economy is widely recognized through the development of new knowledge and technical know-how. Universities are a source of innovation for firms, which ultimately translates into social welfare improvements. The objective of this research is to analyze the university–firm linkage. The methodological strategy is carried out using Bayesian networks through a model where the main elements of university–industry linking, which impact competitiveness and innovation, are identified and quantified. The technology transfer model shows that the most crucial processes are Technology Strategy, Value Proposal, Knowledge Management, Control and Monitoring, Innovation Management, Needs Detection, Knowledge Creation, New Products and Services, and Absorption Capacity. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Business recovery in emerging markets : global perspectives from various sectors : Introduction

2022 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

COVID-19 has significantly impacted just about every sector around the world. The incomparable effects have posed important challenges to understand the virus, comprehend the widespread consequences and their implications, as well as survive. While we are still learning about the pandemic’s effects, we are tasked with the imperative need to devise strategic plans to recover. This chapter describes the content of the collaborative work which analyzes how various sectors are recovering from the pandemic and its collateral crises. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance : analysis across industries in Mexico

2018 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance are two distinct concepts that may seem to be isolated in practice. However, there are many parallels to the extent that the latter may define the engagement of the former. As such, it may be argued that corporate governance is essential to the implementation of CSR. Thus, a question arises, are firms' governance policies conducive to the engagement in corporate social responsibility? This study aims to evaluate the dynamics between corporate social responsibility and corporate governance of multinational firms operating in Mexico. Findings indicate that the practice of disclosing corporate social responsibility is more common than the transparent communication of corporate governance; however, the compliance with corporate governance is consistent with that of corporate social responsibility within the analysed firms. © 2018 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.

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Price sensitivity versus ethical consumption: a study of Millennial utilitarian consumer behavior

2020 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Millennial consumers have been associated with a preference for environmental, socially responsible, and high-tech products; they have also been known to be quick spenders tending to hedonistic consumption; however, there is not much consensus on the generation’s behavior. The question is, are Millennial consumers more prone to price sensitivity or ethical consumption of utilitarian products? The main objective of the empirical study was to explore Millennial utilitarian consumer behavior in reference to their degree of price sensitivity and ethical consumption, and preference to purchase from a firm engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR). In order to do so, two models were developed, each focused on a different utilitarian product, to analyze Millennial consumer behavior regarding price sensitivity and ethical consumption. Results show that Millennial consumers are less price sensitive in regards to product attribute, and favor ethical consumption over price when CSR engagement is revealed.

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A nationwide strike uncovers unethical practices: consulting on socially responsible collaborator management in Mexico

2022 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Learning outcomes: It is expected that students enhance their awareness of businesses’ role in human rights protection as a key factor in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement and core objective achievement, as well as understand the effects of gender-based violence on organizational performance and identify and develop policies for a socially responsible strategic plan for effective communication with current and potential stakeholders. Case overview/synopsis: The case of AFF Consulting Group in Mexico illustrates the challenges that firms face when doing business in an environment riddled with inequality and gender-based violence. The firm is challenged with developing a socially responsible strategic plan to ensure effective communication with stakeholders. The case has been developed as a narrative to demonstrate the intricacies of internal dynamics and discussions, which lead to strategic planning and decision-making. Complexity academic level: The case study illustrates the challenges of business dynamics in an emerging market. It is applicable, especially, for undergraduate and graduate students in management studies related to CSR, ethics, human resources, collaborator management and human rights. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS 11: Strategy. © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Unethical Supply Chains Delaying Recovery: Analyzing Pre and Mid COVID-19 Conditions

2022 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Entire industries have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, global supply chains, along with their collaborators, have been severely affected. The slow pace of recovery has raised many questions as it is not only a matter of vaccination and employment. Other issues that preceded the pandemic are pushing recovery further; inequality is at the center of these issues. If unequal conditions and practices do not change, is recovery even possible? Another issue that arises is the illustrious need to get back to normal, which leads to the questions: should we be striving for normal? Is it the ideal state? The study contributes to the understanding of recovery’s slow pace and proposes a conceptual model to foster socially responsible supply chain governance by means of individual and organizational resilience to close the inequality gap and recover. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Internal corporate social responsibility and leadership effects on voice management and organisational performance: analysis of collaborator perceptions across organisations in Mexico

2019 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been studied and analysed from multiple perspectives, such as social and economic, and internal and external viewpoints; and increasingly implemented in organisations worldwide, notwithstanding line of business and/or size. Internal corporate social responsibility (iCSR) focuses exclusively on collaborator complexities, including collaborator voice and voice management. Leadership is perhaps the primary source of iCSR principles and practices, or those responsible for internal engagement; they are also in charge of promoting, encouraging and managing collaborator voice; yet, do leadership's traits determine practices regarding collaborator voice encouragement, as well as the latter's influence on organisational performance? This collaborator-centric study describes the relationship between leadership, iCSR, and collaborator voice, as well as collaborator perceptions, across five different types/sizes of socially responsible organisations. © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.