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COVID-19, social identity, and socially responsible food consumption between generations

2023 , Leyva-Hernández, Sandra Nelly , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora

Introduction: The objective of the research was to analyze the effect of COVID-19 with the predictors of the health belief model (perceived severity, perceived benefits, and cue to action) on the social identity of the consumer and the social identity of the socially responsible food consumption among four generation groups of adults based on the stimulus-organism-response model. Methods: The study had a quantitative approach explanatory design and a cross-sectional temporal dimension. A total of 834 questionnaires were collected from adults in the metropolitan area of Mexico City, and the data were analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results: The results indicated that perceived severity, perceived benefits, and cue to action positively and significantly influenced social identity, and this positively and significantly influenced socially responsible consumption. In addition, identity was found to be a variable that had a total mediation effect between perceived severity and socially responsible consumption, perceived benefits and socially responsible consumption, and cue to action and socially responsible consumption. While the perceived barriers only had a direct effect on socially responsible consumption. Likewise, a difference was found between generation X and Y, generation Z and X, and generation Y and X in the relationship between cue to action, belonging to a social network group, and social identity. Discussion: In this sense, these results allow us to consider that when environmental stimuli (predictors of the health belief model) affect the organism (social identity), it will respond with socially responsible food consumption. This type of consumption is explained through social identity and is modified according to the age of the consumers due to the effects of social networks. Copyright © 2023 Leyva-Hernández, Terán-Bustamante and Martínez-Velasco.

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University–Industry Collaboration: A Sustainable Technology Transfer Model

2021 , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie

Faced with the pandemic caused by COVID-19, universities worldwide are giving a powerful response to support their communities. One way to provide support is via the collaboration between universities and industries, allowing the co-creation of knowledge that leads to innovation. Historically, universities, as knowledge-intensive organizations (KIOs), have produced knowledge through research. At present, its important contribution to countries’ economy is widely recognized through the development of new knowledge and technical know-how. Universities are a source of innovation for firms, which ultimately translates into social welfare improvements. The objective of this research is to analyze the university–firm linkage. The methodological strategy is carried out using Bayesian networks through a model where the main elements of university–industry linking, which impact competitiveness and innovation, are identified and quantified. The technology transfer model shows that the most crucial processes are Technology Strategy, Value Proposal, Knowledge Management, Control and Monitoring, Innovation Management, Needs Detection, Knowledge Creation, New Products and Services, and Absorption Capacity. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Machine Learning Sustainable Competitiveness for Global Recovery

2022 , López-Fernández, Andreé Marie , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora

The unexpected appearance and expansion of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 have shown that both developed and less developed countries need strategic, scientific-technological capacities and an innovation ecosystem to respond quickly to these challenges. The objective of this research is to analyze the potential correlation between competitiveness and sustainable development for a global recovery. To carry out the study, five global indexes were considered: competitiveness, sustainability, innovation, impunity, and human development which were analyzed with a mixed-method approach, quantitative and qualitative analysis. Organizational and government leaders are facing significant collateral effects of the health pandemic including economic recession and social development regression; therefore, the road to recovery requires they work toward sustainable development to reach desired competitiveness. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Innovation and technological management model in the tequila sector in Mexico

2022 , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , Castillo-Girón, Víctor Manuel , Ayala-Ramírez, Suhey

Creativity, ideas, and an entrepreneurial attitude are needed to innovate. However, it is also necessary to have practical instruments that allow innovations to be reflected in the company. One of those tools is technology. This research aims to analyze innovation and technology in the tequila industry through Bayesian networks with machine learning techniques. Likewise, an innovation and technology management model will be developed to make better decisions, which will allow the company to innovate to generate competitive advantages in a mature low-tech industry. A model is made in which the critical factors that influence management innovation and technology optimally to generate value translate into competitive advantages. The evidence shows that the optimal or non-optimal management of knowledge management and its various factors, through the causality of the variables, allow the interrelation to be more adequately captured to manage it. The results show that the most relevant factors for adequate management of innovation and technology are knowledge management, sales and marketing, organizational and technological architecture, national and international markets, cultivation of raw materials, agave, and management, use of waste, and not research and development. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Business Model Innovation and Decision-Making for the Productive Sector in Times of Crisis

2022 , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has affected all companies and their business models. For this reason, firms have needed to redesign these models, focusing on customer value proposition. The purpose of this research is to analyze Business Model Innovation (BMI) for decision-making. The methodological strategy is carried out through Bayesian networks. A model is made in which the main elements that make up a BMI are identified and quantified, which impact better decision-making to properly manage the proposal value for customers, technology, and achieve innovation. Evidence shows that the construction of BMI requires a model that mainly considers the relationships between variables such as knowledge architecture, implementation operation, change and evolution, and agile response. BMI will apply to organizations to the extent that it contemplates variables related to customer service and attention, as well as those related to innovation in organizations, attention, and those related to innovation in organizations. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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What Drives Profit Income in Mexico’s Main Banks? Evidence Using Machine Learning

2023 , González-Rossano, Carlos , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Velázquez-Salazar, Marisol , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora

Historically, the banking system has been critical to the development of economies by addressing funds efficiently—from customer savings and investors to the productive activities of people and companies, financing consumer goods and current expenses, housing, infrastructure projects and providing liquidity to the market. However, it must be transformed to respond to emerging demands in society for better financial products and services with a positive impact on living conditions and well-being. To achieve this, banks must create economic value—that is to say, banks should create profits in a sustained manner—in order to also create social value and thus generate shared value. The purpose of this study was twofold. The first aim was to identify the main factors that contributed to the majority of Mexican banking profits in the period from 2003 to 2021; the second aim of the study was to provide an innovative metric of banking performance. Using supervised machine learning algorithms and Principal Component Analysis, two prediction models were tested, and two banking performance indices were defined. The findings show that Random Forest is a reliable profit prediction model with a lower mean absolute error between the predicted yearly profit and losses and the actual data. There are no significant ranking position differences between the two performance indices. The first performance index obtained is novel due to its simplicity, since it is built on the basis of five values associated with commercial banking activity. In Mexico, no similar studies have been published. The indicator most widely used by regulators worldwide is the CAMELS index, which is a weighted average of the capital adequacy level, asset quality, management capacity, profitability, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk. Its scale of 1 to 5 is useful for identifying the robustness and solvency of a bank, but not necessarily its capacity to generate profits. This approach might encourage banks to remain aware of their potential to create shared value and to develop competitive strategies to increase benefits for stakeholders. © 2023 by the authors.

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Branding interno en una empresa de servicios en México

2020 , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora

El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar los procesos de branding interno de una empresa de servicios del conocimiento en México, de manera que estos permitan fortalecer sus ventajas competitivas a través del liderazgo de su capital humano. Lo anterior se logra a través de dilucidar si la capacitación y motivación hacia la marca influyen positivamente en el desempeño de esta. La estrategia metodológica es de tipo cuantitativo a través de herramientas estadísticas y de machine learning. La evidencia muestra que la alineación por parte de los empleados con los valores de la marca muestra un impacto positivo y significativo con su motivación a favor de la marca y el desempeño de esta. Los factores más significativos dentro de la dimensión de compromiso es el binomio capacitación y liderazgo de los jefes.

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Critical Factors in the Participation of Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics -STEM- Disciplines in Mexico

2024-01-01 , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , González, Fernando José Menéndez , De la Torre Díaz, Lorena , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia

Currently, women participate in STEM areas, still with a very marked gender gap. Taking this as a reference, in this work, an investigation has been carried out based on questionnaires applied to students of STEM careers. The information obtained was analyzed using multi-criteria decision methods. In particular, the Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method was applied to determine the most favorable conditions for women to study a STEM career. Through this analysis, this research has found that women's choice of a STEM career is strongly influenced firstly by the father's profession, secondly by the mother's profession, and also has a positive impact on the discrimination to which the person has been subjected, self-motivation. And self-esteem. These results indicate that it is necessary to influence the early educational stages to provide support from the family and school environment to women so that they develop their skills around STEM careers. In future work, the data obtained could be analyzed in greater depth, considering that the richness of the open responses may be lost by coding the respondents’ opinions as categorical variables. ©Springer.

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Knowledge Management for Open Innovation: Bayesian Networks through Machine Learning

2021 , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , Dávila-Aragón, Griselda

Knowledge management within organizations allows to support a global business strategy and represents a systemic and organized attempt to use knowledge within an organization to improve its performance. The objective of this research is to study and analyze knowledge management through Bayesian networks with machine learning techniques, for which a model is made to identify and quantify the various factors that affect the correct management of knowledge in an organization, allowing you to generate value. As a case study, a technology-based services company in Mexico City is analyzed. The evidence found shows the optimal and non-optimal management of knowledge management, and its various factors, through the causality of the variables, allowing us to more adequately capture the interrelationship to manage it. The results show that the most relevant factors for having adequate knowledge management are information management, relational capital, intellectual capital, quality and risk management, and technology assimilation. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Balancing Work, Family, and Personal Life in the Mexican Context: The Future of Work for the “COVID-19 Generation”

2021 , Scalzo, Germán , Terán-Bustamante, Antonia , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora

Intergenerational talent management—i.e., attracting and retaining employees across generations and with different motivations—is one of companies’ greatest challenges. The expectations that recent generations bring with them have pushed culture in the direction of work-family balance, which is now seen as a key tool for human resources departments in charge of creating support mechanisms to attract and retain the next generation of workers. This trend has been reinforced by the changes brought about in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Responding to this shift, and inspired by the challenges that our “new normal” posits, this chapter presents research results from a survey conducted in Mexico with respondents from generations Y and Z. The survey results offer important insight into how these generations perceive work-life balance, as well as the expectations that young Mexicans between the ages of 18 and 30 hold in terms of family and work.