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Sustainable Project-Based Learning Methodology Adaptable to Technological Advances for Web Programming

2021 , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Alejandro Medina-Santiago , Del-Valle-Soto, Carolina , Alcaraz Rivera, Miguel

The fast pace of development of the Internet and the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic have considerably impacted the educative sector, encouraging the constant transformation of the teaching/learning strategies and more in technological areas as Educational Software Engineering. Web programming, a fundamental topic in Software Engineering and Cloud-based applications, deals with various critical challenges in education, such as learning continuous emerging technological tools, plagiarism detection, generating innovative learning environments, among others. Continual change and even more change with the current digitization becomes a challenge for teachers and students who cannot depend on traditional educational methods. The article presents a sustainable teaching/learning methodology for web programming courses in Engineering Education using project-based learning adaptable to the continuous web technological advances. The methodology has been developed and improved during 9 years, 15 groups, and 3 different universities. Our results demonstrate that the methodology is adaptable with new technologies that might arise; it also presents the advantages of avoiding plagiarism in students and a personalized induction for every specific student in the learning process.

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RootLogChain: Registering Log-Events in a Blockchain for Audit Issues from the Creation of the Root

2021 , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Luis Alberto Morales-Rosales , Raúl Monroy

Logging system activities are required to provide credibility and confidence in the systems used by an organization. Logs in computer systems must be secured from the root user so that they are true and fair. This paper introduces RootLogChain, a blockchain-based audit mechanism that is built upon a security protocol to create both a root user in a blockchain network and the first log; from there, all root events are stored as logs within a standard blockchain mechanism. RootLogChain provides security constructs so as to be deployed in a distributed context over a hostile environment, such as the internet. We have developed a prototype based on a microservice architecture, validating it by executing different stress proofs in two scenarios: one with compliant agents and the other without. In such scenarios, several compliant and non-compliant agents try to become a root and register the events within the blockchain. Non-compliant agents simulate eavesdropper entities that do not follow the rules of the protocol. Our experiments show that the mechanism guarantees the creation of one and only one root user, integrity, and authenticity of the transactions; it also stores all events generated by the root within a blockchain. In addition, for audit issues, the traceability of the transaction logs can be consulted by the root.

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Secure Distributed Network Model to Store Vehicle Transaction Records Through Blockchain Platform

2020 , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Alcaraz Rivera, Miguel

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Traceability of Mexican Avocado Supply Chain: A Microservice and Blockchain Technological Solution

2022 , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Alcaraz Rivera, Miguel , Rafael Granillo-Macías , Olivares-Benitez, Elias

Currently, the Mexican avocado supply chain has some social limitations that make the traceability process a difficult task and severely limits the regions that can add their harvest to the international market. We hypothesize that modernizing the traceability process and improving the trust of the final user could help in opening the market to other regions. This paper describes the Mexican avocado supply chain characteristics, identifies the actors involved in the supply chain, and emphasizes the problems that the current actors have when exporting them to the US market. On this basis, we propose a technological solution system to automate the traceability process. The system was designed to comply with the authority and consumer requirements. It proposes a combination of the benefits of traditional data traceability using Microservices architecture with a new layer of Blockchain auditing that will add value to current and new actors in every step of the supply chain. We contribute by proposing a model that adds value to the avocado supply chain with the following characteristics: Integrity, auditing service, dual traceability, transparency, and a front-end application with trust user-oriented. Our proofs demonstrate that the blockchain layer does not represent a considered high extra transaction cost; it could be regarded as despicable for the economy of the consumer considering costs and benefits.

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A Comprehensive Review of Behavior Change Techniques in Wearables and IoT: Implications for Health and Well-Being

2024 , Del-Valle-Soto, Carolina , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Vázquez Castillo, Javier , Nolazco Flores, Juan Arturo , Velázquez, Ramiro , José Varela-Aldás , Visconti, Paolo

This research paper delves into the effectiveness and impact of behavior change techniques fostered by information technologies, particularly wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, within the realms of engineering and computer science. By conducting a comprehensive review of the relevant literature sourced from the Scopus database, this study aims to elucidate the mechanisms and strategies employed by these technologies to facilitate behavior change and their potential benefits to individuals and society. Through statistical measurements and related works, our work explores the trends over a span of two decades, from 2000 to 2023, to understand the evolving landscape of behavior change techniques in wearable and IoT technologies. A specific focus is placed on a case study examining the application of behavior change techniques (BCTs) for monitoring vital signs using wearables, underscoring the relevance and urgency of further investigation in this critical intersection of technology and human behavior. The findings shed light on the promising role of wearables and IoT devices for promoting positive behavior modifications and improving individuals’ overall well-being and highlighting the need for continued research and development in this area to harness the full potential of technology for societal benefit.

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Smart Campus: An Experimental Performance Comparison of Collaborative and Cooperative Schemes for Wireless Sensor Network

2019 , Del-Valle-Soto, Carolina , Valdivia, Leonardo , Velázquez, Ramiro , Luis Rizo-Dominguez , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos

Presently, the Internet of Things (IoT) concept involves a scattered collection of different multipurpose sensor networks that capture information, which is further processed and used in applications such as smart cities. These networks can send large amounts of information in a fairly efficient but insecure wireless environment. Energy consumption is a key aspect of sensor networks since most of the time, they are battery powered and placed in not easily accessible locations. Therefore, and regardless of the final application, wireless sensor networks require a careful energy consumption analysis that allows selection of the best operating protocol and energy optimization scheme. In this paper, a set of performance metrics is defined to objectively compare different kinds of protocols. Four of the most popular IoT protocols are selected: Zigbee, LoRa, Bluethooth, and WiFi. To test and compare their performance, multiple sensors are placed at different points of a university campus to create a network that can accurately simulate a smart city. Finally, the network is analyzed in detail using two different schemes: collaborative and cooperative.

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NFT-Vehicle: A Blockchain-Based Tokenization Architecture to Register Transactions over a Vehicle’s Life Cycle

2023 , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Luis Alberto Morales-Rosales , Ignacio Algredo-Badillo , Del-Valle-Soto, Carolina

The sale of second-hand vehicles is a popular trade worldwide, and vehicle fraud is currently a common issue, mainly because buyers can lack a complete view of the historical transactions related to their new acquisition. This work presents a distributed architecture for stakeholders to register transactions over a vehicle’s life cycle in a blockchain network. The architecture involves a non-fungible token (NFT) linked to a physical motorized vehicle after a tokenization process, which denote as the NFT-Vehicle. The NFT-Vehicle is a hierarchical smart contract designed using an object-oriented paradigm and a modified version of the ERC721 standard. Every stakeholder engages with the NFT-Vehicle through distinct methods embedded within a smart contract. These methods represent internal protocols meticulously formulated and validated based on a finite-state machine (FSM) model. We implemented our design as a proof of concept using a platform based on Ethereum and a smart contract in the Solidity programming language. We carried out two types of proof: (a) validations, following the FSM model to ensure that the smart contract remained in a consistent state, and (b) proofs, to achieve certainty regarding the amount of ETH that could be spent in the life cycle of a vehicle. The results of the tests showed that the total transaction cost for each car throughout its life cycle did not represent an excessive cost considering the advantages that the system could offer to prevent fraud.

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An SHA-3 Hardware Architecture against Failures Based on Hamming Codes and Triple Modular Redundancy

2022 , Alan Torres-Alvarado , Luis Alberto Morales-Rosales , Ignacio Algredo-Badillo , Francisco López-Huerta , Mariana Lobato-Báez , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos

Cryptography has become one of the vital disciplines for information technology such as IoT (Internet Of Things), IIoT (Industrial Internet Of Things), I4.0 (Industry 4.0), and automotive applications. Some fundamental characteristics required for these applications are confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation, which can be achieved using hash functions. A cryptographic hash function that provides a higher level of security is SHA-3. However, in real and modern applications, hardware implementations based on FPGA for hash functions are prone to errors due to noise and radiation since a change in the state of a bit can trigger a completely different hash output than the expected one, due to the avalanche effect or diffusion, meaning that modifying a single bit changes most of the desired bits of the hash; thus, it is vital to detect and correct any error during the algorithm execution. Current hardware solutions mainly seek to detect errors but not correct them (e.g., using parity checking or scrambling). To the best of our knowledge, there are no solutions that detect and correct errors for SHA-3 hardware implementations. This article presents the design and a comparative analysis of four FPGA architectures: two without fault tolerance and two with fault tolerance, which employ Hamming Codes to detect and correct faults for SHA-3 using an Encoder and a Decoder at the step-mapping functions level. Results show that the two hardware architectures with fault tolerance can detect up to a maximum of 120 and 240 errors, respectively, for every run of KECCAK-p, which is considered the worst case. Additionally, the paper provides a comparative analysis of these architectures with other works in the literature in terms of experimental results such as frequency, resources, throughput, and efficiency.

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Comparison of Collaborative and Cooperative Schemes in Sensor Networks for Non-Invasive Monitoring of People at Home

2023 , Del-Valle-Soto, Carolina , Valdivia, Leonardo , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Paolo Visconti

This paper looks at wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in healthcare, where they can monitor patients remotely. WSNs are considered one of the most promising technologies due to their flexibility and autonomy in communication. However, routing protocols in WSNs must be energy-efficient, with a minimal quality of service, so as not to compromise patient care. The main objective of this work is to compare two work schemes in the routing protocol algorithm in WSNs (cooperative and collaborative) in a home environment for monitoring the conditions of the elderly. The study aims to optimize the performance of the algorithm and the ease of use for people while analyzing the impact of the sensor network on the analysis of vital signs daily using medical equipment. We found relationships between vital sign metrics that have a more significant impact in the presence of a monitoring system. Finally, we conduct a performance analysis of both schemes proposed for the home tracking application and study their usability from the user’s point of view.

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Automating the avocado supply chain with Blockchain and Off-chain

2020 , López-Pimentel, Juan Carlos , Rojas, Omar , Alcaraz Rivera, Miguel , Sosa-Gómez, Guillermo , Verteramo-Chiu, L.