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Educational innovation in supply chain management and logistics for active learning in Latin America

2023 , Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto , Pacheco-Velazquez, Ernesto , Da Silva Ovando, Agatha Clarice , Mejia-Argueta, Christopher , Chong, Mario

Purpose: This study aims to present a conceptual framework aimed at promoting educational innovation in supply chain management and logistics (SCM&L). The framework can help to design active learning experiences regarding student learning outcomes that tackle current challenges in the discipline. Emphasizing the significance of linking students’ learning to real-world scenarios, the framework enables reflective learning through hands-on engagement in a constructive alignment, overcoming existing pedagogical limitations in the field. Design/methodology/approach: This study presents a qualitative research methodology that relies on the case study method. Three instances are presented to illustrate educational efforts of active learning in countries of Latin America, Bolivia, Mexico and Peru, linking real-world relevant situations to disciplinary teaching and learning. Findings: The innovative learning experiences introduced in this study transform real-world SCM&L operations into distinctive educational opportunities. These experiences facilitate learning not only within traditional classrooms but also in urban areas of the Latin American region, enabling students to interact with educational partners in authentic settings to achieve their intended learning outcomes. These experiences are characterized by their focus on establishing meaningful connections between learning and local communities, businesses or specific contexts. Research limitations/implications: The study recognizes various limitations of conceptual, methodological, execution-related and research process aspects. First, not all academics in the SCM&L discipline may universally acknowledge the importance of educational innovation and active learning experiences because of limited pedagogical awareness. Moreover, execution-related limitations arise from the demanding nature of incorporating active pedagogical approaches into courses, as they can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. Regarding research process limitations, the case study limits generalizability and broader inferences because of its particular views and locations, which require further investigation with other instances across other disciplines and geographical regions for validation. Practical implications: The practical implementation of this framework within the MIT SCALE network for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) demonstrates its potential in meeting diverse academic and institutional expectations and providing educational benefits to students. Social implications: The study makes a valuable contribution to prioritizing and coordinating pedagogical research by investigating the success of learning outcomes achieved through active and experiential implementations in various contexts. It provides inspiring examples of innovative learning experiences that can drive new developments not only within the LAC region but also in other areas, prompting a shift away from traditional educational approaches. Originality/value: This research presents a conceptual framework, which is developed from the insights obtained in the three learning experiences to guide future efforts in SCM&L education. The findings demonstrate how to structure active learning experiences based on authentic assessment and illustrate the potential for increased cooperation among institutions in Latin America. It also promotes the recognition of novel SCM&L active learning experiences and highlights some of the benefits of this approach.

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Design a challenge-based learning model for higher education, an application in a beverage company

2022 , Da Silva-Ovando, Agatha Clarice , Olivares Quintana, Oscar Saúl , Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto , Chong, Mario

As the students’ profile and the industry’s expectations change over time, universities must adopt learning methodologies to deliver more suitable graduates to the labor market. The Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) has been developing experiential learning practices by implementing challenge-based learning (CBL) to enrich undergraduates’ curricula. One example reflected in the CBL experiences developed by Taquiña Brewery, one of the five breweries of the Cervecería Boliviana Nacional (CBN), and the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department of the UPB between 2018 and 2019. As a result, the students widely accepted the methodology, and academics from all disciplines were trained to replicate CBL experiences in their classrooms. While CBN found the opportunity to hire new talent, receive a fresh perspective on recurrent operational issues, and find new ideas based on theoretical concepts. This work contributes to the exemplification of innovative approaches to enhance the teaching and learning of Supply Chain Management and Logistics. ©The authors, IEEE.

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A Framework for Educational Innovation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, a Research Agenda

2022 , Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto , Da Silva Ovando, Agatha Clarice , Mejia Argueta, Christopher , Chong, Mario

This work presents a conceptual framework for educational innovation within Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) to develop relevant learning experiences in the discipline. Nowadays, education is shifting from traditional passive approaches in which students listen and see into active settings involving learn-by-doing real-life experiences to develop appropriate competencies. LSCM educational innovation commonly refers to fragmented aspects such as the appropriateness of contents or specific teaching methods; however, the educational model transformation has little attention and the recognition of a high pertinent and engaging learning. Therefore, we presented a comprehensive framework for educational innovation to define a structure of educational components to recreate active learning experiences. Finally, we described the implementation of this framework, the progression within the MIT SCALE Network in Latin America, and insights for future work. ©The authors, IEEE.

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Reflexiones desde la práctica docente: experiencias de aprendizaje para la educación en ingeniería industrial en la pospandemia

2022 , Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto , Da Silva Ovando, Agatha Clarice , Mejía-Argueta, Christopher , Chong, Mario

Uno de los principales retos que trajo consigo la pandemia de COVID-19 fue dar continuidad a la educación. En ese contexto, este trabajo se enfoca en la práctica de la educación superior en la disciplina de Ingeniería y sus programas académicos afines con una perspectiva a futuro, motivado por las limitaciones y retos impuestos por la pandemia. Frente a ello, surgió la interrogante de cómo mantener experiencias de aprendizaje activo, vivencial, centradas en el estudiante, y que sean relevantes para desarrollar sus competencias, a pesar de su interacción remota y las frecuentes carencias tecnológicas y de recursos educativos. Así, este trabajo propone un esquema conceptual para guiar el diseño y reflexión de experiencias de aprendizaje con una perspectiva pospandémica. Este esquema está compuesto por seis dimensiones de la innovación y liderazgo educativo para la educación superior: entorno, impacto y vinculación; modelos educativos y cadena de valor; estrategias educativas; formatos de enseñanza, infraestructura y recursos de aprendizaje; acreditaciones; y evaluación del aprendizaje. Adicionalmente, este documento presenta iniciativas que ejemplifican este esfuerzo dentro de la MIT Supply Chain And Logistics Excellence network en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (MIT SCALE LAC) liderada por el Centro de Transporte y Logística del Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Estas iniciativas refieren experiencias de aprendizaje en universidades de Bolivia, México y Perú que han buscado mantener el aprendizaje activo en el contexto de la pandemia, con un vínculo hacia los desafíos contemporáneos de las organizaciones, las comunidades y la sociedad en general en la que viven inmersos los estudiantes. ©Los autores, Revista Apuntes.

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Workshop: Learning experiences for educational leadership and innovation in engineering education

2023 , Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto , Da Silva Ovando, Agatha Clarice , Chong, Mario

Higher education requires responding to contemporary challenges and future trends that face humanity by equipping students with new skills that allow for their personal and professional development. Therefore, universities should promote educational leadership and innovation to enrich learning experiences with novel methods and approaches that advance the education they provide. This workshop offers a framework for reflecting upon and identifying those aspects that can help (re) shape learning experiences in these terms. Participants will conduct discussions about their views on current challenges, learning experiences, educational leadership, and innovation, and find alternatives to advance engineering education in delivering high-impact value to students, organizations, and societies in general. ©The authors, IEEE.