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La estudiosidad en sede femenina: el legado de María Zambrano

2024-01 , Junco, Ethel

Mueve este escrito la intención de hacer memoria sobre una figura de la filosofía hispánica poco conocida fuera de las aulas universitarias.1 Se trata de María Zambrano (Vélez-Málaga, 1904-Madrid, 1991) hija de maestros, leal hermana, estudiante precoz, madre de un niño que muere a poco de nacer, miembro de la Escuela de Madrid, joven comprometida con la política española, exiliada en México, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Italia, Francia, Suiza, Premio Príncipe de Asturias, primera mujer en recibir el Premio Cervantes, amiga solícita, paciente enferma.2 Es considerada la filósofa más importante de la historia española y comparada con apreciadas mujeres de su siglo: Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Hanna Harent;3 además de las coincidencias en orden a la condena de los totalitarismos, a la defensa de la democracia, a la solidaridad con los despojados, se suma un original planteo metodológico de la noción de pensar, que la convierte en la teórica de la razón poética

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Poetic Reason: Identity in the Midst of Mysticism and Philosophy

2024 , Junco, Ethel

The irrationalist and vitalist options in the philosophy of the early twentieth century find in María Zambrano a liminal proposal. The author proposes a double movement: archaizing in order to renew the model of a philosophy saturated with formulas and without experiential content. To do so, she reads Plato, the father of Greek rationalism, through her acute hermeneutics to demonstrate that the birth of philosophy is methodologically congruent with mystical experience. Both philosophy and mysticism are models of liberation of the soul in search of truth, understood as transcendent reality. Both start from the multiplicity of being to coincide in the unity of the permanent. Both are also sources of knowledge for the common man who can approach the divine by means of his decision and will. Thus, in her main texts we find the arguments to recover the lost spirituality and to move into the experience of the sacred through the articulation of poetic reason.