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Machine learning method to establish the connection between age related macular degeneration and some genetic variations

2016 , Martínez Velasco, Antonieta Teodora , Zenteno, Juan Carlos , Martinez-Villaseñor, Lourdes , Miralles-Pechuán, Luis , Pérez Ortiz, Andric Christopher , Estrada Mena, Francisco Javier

Medicine research based in machine learning methods allows the improvement of diagnosis in complex diseases. Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of them. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in the world. It causes the 8.7% of blind people. A set of case and controls study could be developed by machine-learning methods to find the relation between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) SNP_A, SNP_B, SNP_C and AMD. In this paper we present a machine-learning based analysis to determine the relation of three single nucleotide SNPs and the AMD disease. The SNPs SNP_B, SNP_C remained in the top four relevant features with ophthalmologic surgeries and bilateral cataract. We aim also to determine the best set of features for the classification process. © Springer International Publishing AG 2016.