Rosa Sierra, Alberto
Preferred name
Rosa Sierra, Alberto
Official Name
Rosa Sierra, Luis Alberto
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Now showing
1 - 10 of 34
PublicationIntegration of Consumer Electronics Products Designed in Mexico( 2020)
;Carlos Martinez-ortiz2 2 -
PublicationMedical Device Design Challenges Based on Users Hierarchy and Their Correlation with Illness( 2018)
;Trotta, Maria Giovanna ;Manzano-Hernandez, PaulinaScopus© Citations 1 2 2 -
PublicationImproving the Experience of Hemotherapy Treatment for Kids with Leukemia( 2021)
;Brun Virues, Mariana ;García Manzano, Mariana ;Rentería González, Magaly6 2 -
Scopus© Citations 5 4 2 -
PatentVaso linfático artificial para linfedema secundario(PUES, )Fuentes Aguilar, Rita Quetziquel
18 1 -
PublicationDesign of a Low-Cost Wheelchair for Open-Source Platform: First Phase( 2018)
;Landa-Avila, Irma CeciliaScopus© Citations 1 8 2 -
PublicationPackaging Design to Support Small Business Enterprises in the Republic of El Salvador( 2018)
;Trotta, Maria GiovannaFrancisco González-Madariaga5 2