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Revista de Integridad Académica : an effort to foster academic integrity in Universidad Panamericana

2018 , Alemán Juárez, Armando , Becerra Mariscal, Arturo Eduardo , García Higuera, María del Carmen

As an effort to promote a culture of AI in Latin America, and specifically in Mexico, Universidad Panamericana developed an online publication called: Revista de Integridad Academica, with four universities in the region: Universidad EAFIT at Colombia, Tecnológico de Monterrey and Universidad de Monterrey at Mexico, and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The publication seeks to disseminate and promote academic integrity values among universities in Latin America. Its long term-purpose is to emerge as an international reference on the topic. In this paper, we present an initial approach to a theoretical framework of AI in Latin America. Next, we relate this framework to the creation of Revista de Integridad Académica as a strategy to foster AI in Universidad Panamericana. Finally, we explain how the publication has grown to become periodical, as a result of inter-institutional collaboration and its digital impact. ©2019 IATED Academy