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The influence of the use the gamification to improve academic performance in high school students

2018 , Villegas Aguilera, Brenda , Alvarado Martínez, Elizabeth , Meza-Mejía, Mónica del Carmen

Society today is faced with a number of changes that have developed from the incorporation of new information and communication technologies, digital applications and social networks, which have been used each time more easily and frequently by people of all ages and social strata. This has led to that within the formal education, mainly at the high school, consider the possibility of integrating technological tools in educational plans and programs in order to generate greater innovation and respond to the needs of the new learners. For the development of the present investigation is considered necessary the search of learning and teaching strategies based on the new educational trends, such as the Gamification, in order to promote behaviors and habits that lead students to the development of competences and improve academic outcomes. In addition, it is intended to know the influence of the use of the Gamification to improve the academic performance of high school students. In order to develop the present study, we will make use of the Inventory of Learning Strategies and Study (Fernández Liporace, Alvarez & Uriel, 2010) which will help in obtaining the desired information. The question is: how does the use of the Gamification will contribute to the improvement of the academic performance? For which, it will be necessary to consider the partial evaluations and activities gamified that were implemented during the academic period from August to December 2017. ©2018 INTED2018 Proceedings

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The gamification : strategy of teaching-learning to develop the resilience in students university

2017 , Villegas Aguilera, Brenda , Alvarado Martínez, Elizabeth , Meza-Mejía, Mónica del Carmen

Society is in constant evolution due to the development of information and communication technologies, digital applications and social networks, which at the same time are frequently used by all kind of people, no matter their social status. As a consequence in education; specially in higher education, teachers have incorporated these tools in their syllabus and clases to fulfill today society demands. Higher education teachers have created nicer environments with the implementation of new teaching and learning strategies to provide students with complete and comprehensible education, turning traditional clases into new and interesting lessons. Through the incorporation of Gamification; game elements, in the syllabus and course design, students could change their habits in class and improve their participation, productivity and competenies. Thus, students could learn in a meaningful, fun and easier way. The present work is part of the development of a research thesis, which is necessary to the pursuit of teaching-learning strategies based on the new educational trends, such as the gamification, in order to promote behaviors and habits that lead students to the development of competences and better academic results. In this sense, the aim of this article is to develop resilience in university students by introducing gamification as a strategy for teaching and learning. The research question is: how does the gamification will contribute to the development of resilience in college students? The working methodology will be cut, using a mixed design imbricated, under a positivist position; on the other hand, we will make use of the questionnaire of resilience for College Students (CRE-U) (Peralta, Ramirez, and Castaño, 2006). ©2017 IATED Academy