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An Accurate Explicit Six-Parameter Solar Cell Model Based on Single-Diode and Its Parameter Extraction for Seven Photovoltaic Technologies

2023 , Dávalos Orozco, Oscar , Rodrigo, P. M. , Fernando Brambila-Paz , Rosas-Caro, Julio

Abstract The mathematical modeling of solar cells and panels is critical in many photovoltaic applications. However, the standard single-diode solar cell model, commonly selected to model these devices, is implicit and difficult to integrate into simulation software. Therefore, exact explicit solutions of this model, more suitable for computing purposes, have been proposed based on the Lambert W-function. This work introduces an explicit single-diode, easy-to-use six-parameter solar cell model. The proposed model is formulated with elementary functions. The model is developed and tested over seven photovoltaic technologies as an alternative to traditional approaches. Results of the extensive comparison of the three models (implicit, explicit Lambert W, and explicit six-parameter) show that the proposed approach is more accurate (14.81% relative improvement on average compared to the traditional methods), almost as fast as the Lambert W approach and much faster than the implicit approach. Due to its simplicity and accuracy, the proposed model will become an alternative in photovoltaic applications such as energy prediction and maximum power point tracking.

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Image and Representation on E. Cassirer. A Reflection since the Computed Tomography Scan

2022 , Esparza, Gustavo , Dávalos Orozco, Oscar , Brambila-Paz, Fernando

En el presente artículo se estudian los conceptos de imagen y representación en la filosofía de Ernst Cassirer. En este texto se hace patente el valor simbólico con el cual el neokantiano define a las imágenes. A partir de ello, se explica cómo éstas pueden presentarse como una relación de identidad entre un objeto definido y el concepto construido por un agente epistémico. Para ilustrar dicha teoría, se considera el funcionamiento del Tomógrafo Axial Computarizado (TAC) para mostrar que la finalidad de las imágenes médicas es representar la realidad de forma digital, para lo cual se requiere únicamente simbolizar la forma del cuerpo. Finalmente, se sugiere el uso del Efecto Doppler como método alternativo a considerar en el funcionamiento del TAC.

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Review of explicit models for photovoltaic cell electrical characterization

2025 , Pedroza-Díaz, Alfredo , Rodrigo, P. M. , Dávalos Orozco, Oscar , De la Vega, Eduardo , Valera-Albacete, Álvaro

For modeling solar cells, the single diode model presents difficulties in implementation and is expensive computationally because it involves a transcendental and implicit mathematical equation. Some authors have proposed explicit, easy-to-use, and computationally efficient models that approximate its behavior. It is challenging to select the proper model for each specific application because the different proposals were tested for different solar panels, operating conditions, and performance metrics, and, therefore, a direct comparison based on the published information is not possible. In this study, the existing explicit models are reviewed, presenting their equations and discussing their mathematical approximations. Four new models are introduced, and a classification of models is proposed. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of all the models under many photovoltaic technologies and operating conditions is carried out using the same performance metrics and parameter extraction method. This allows developing a framework that makes the selection of models easier for each application. The comparative results show that three models proposed by the research team are more accurate than the implicit approach, with average root mean squared errors as low as 0.41 % (versus 0.54 % error of the implicit model). However, the parameters in these models lack physical sense. Among the explicit models incorporating physical parameters and formulated with elementary functions, the most accurate is based on a first order Padé approximation (0.55 % error). The ranking of models is expected to become a valuable tool for the photovoltaic community in various solar cell modeling tasks. ©The authors ©Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

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Using Fully Cartesian Coordinates to Calculate the Support Reactions of Multi-Scale Mechanisms

2018 , Orvañanos-Guerrero, María T. , Sánchez-Gómez, Claudia , Dávalos Orozco, Oscar , Mariano Rivera , Velázquez, Ramiro , Acevedo, Mario