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Skin to skin care and heart rate regulation

2015 , Aldrete Cortez, Vania Rocío , Perapoch, Joseph , Poblano, Adrián

Dear Editor Recently we read the papers by Neu et al. and Mörelius et al. [1], [2]. Their research documented cortisol co-regulation between mothers and infants during skin to skin care (SSC). Even though both studies' results exhibited lower cortisol levels, in one study with marginal differences [1] and in the other, with significant differences [2] between a group of premature infants SSC treated, as compared to the standard care (SC) group, only Mörelius et al. found cortisol co-regulation at four months of age, as an index of neuro-endrocrine effect of SSC [2]. ©Early Human Development

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Effect of late-onset fetal growth restriction on organization of behavioral state in infants

2015 , Aldrete Cortez, Vania Rocío , Schnaas, Lourdes , Poblano, Adrián , Carrillo-Mora, Paul , Olivas-Peña, Efraín , Bello-Muñoz, Juan Carlos , Guzmán-Huerta, Mario , Mansilla-Olivares, Armando

Background The aim of this study was to analyze whether late-onset fetal growth restriction (FGR) alters regulatory capability in infants, and whether this can be detected using both the neonatal behavior assessment scale (NBAS) and brainstem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEP). Methods The diagnosis of FGR was made on Doppler examination in the third trimester of pregnancy. NBAS and BAEP measurement were performed at 1 month of corrected postnatal age.

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Comparación de síntomas de hiperactividad e inatención en adolescentes con y sin antecedentes de embarazo

2018 , Aldrete Cortez, Vania Rocío , Tafoya , Silvia A. , Meillon, Francisco , Poblano, Adrián , Ayala-Yáñez, Rodrigo , Mansilla-Olivares, Armando

Introducción: El embarazo adolescente ejerce un impacto negativo tanto en la salud de la madre como en la calidad de vida y desarrollo de sus hijos. Pese a su importante carga social, no se han explorado con detalle los factores conductuales que pueden favorecer su presencia. Objetivo: Comparar los síntomas de inatención e hiperactividad entre adolescentes con y sin antecedente de embarazo. Método: A 60 adolescentes se aplicó una ficha de datos sociodemográficos y el Cuestionario de Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (DDA) del Neuropsi, 30 casos y 30 controles. El DDA fue contestado por las propias adolescentes, así como por un familiar cercano (padre o pareja) y/o por un profesor del adolescente. Resultados: Desde la perspectiva de los otros (padres y profesores), las adolescentes con antecedentes de embarazo presentaron más síntomas de déficit de atención y mayor puntuación global de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (ambas con p ≤ 0.01). Asimismo, se encontró que la puntuación global del DDA se asoció con el embarazo adolescente (RM = 1.11, IC 95 % = 1.01-1.24, p = 0.036). Conclusiones: Los síntomas de déficit de atención e hiperactividad pueden representar otro factor asociado con el embarazo adolescente. Copyright: © 2018 Secretaría de Salud

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Habituation Alteration in Infants with Periventricular Echogenicity as an Indicator of Neurocognitive Impairment

2021 , Aldrete Cortez, Vania Rocío , Tafoya, Silvia A. , Ramírez-García, Luz Angélica , Poblano, Adrián

Habituation difficulties may suggest neurocognitive impairment. Periventricular echogenicity (PVE) potentially causes subtle damage that poses neuropsychological risk. Habituation was evaluated through heart rate and behavioral states in infants at 36–37 weeks of corrected age between control and PVE groups. PVE infants showed early alertness and abrupt changes in behavioral states. However, the comparison group could better regulate their states. Heart rate was significantly high and remained unchanged in the PVE group but decreased in the control group. Alterations during the habituation paradigm in PVE infants could be early indicators of neuropsychological risk impairment. Scope of early habituation assessment is discussed. © 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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Fetal growth restriction: From Polyvagal theory to developmental impairments?

2019 , Aldrete Cortez, Vania Rocío , Poblano, Adrián , Tafoya, Silvia A. , Ramírez-García, Luz Angélica , Casasola, Cesar

Background The Polyvagal theory argues that behavioral modulation is a fundamental neurodevelopmental process that depends on autonomic regulation. Objective The present study aimed to assess sleep architecture in newborns with fetal growth restriction (FGR) using polysomnography as an indicator of Polyvagal theory. Methods We studied polysomnography recordings from 68 preterm infants, 34 with FGR and 34 born with appropriate growth for gestational age (AGA), who were matched according to the corrected age for prematurity (CA). Total sleep time, arousals, the percentage of quiet sleep, active sleep, indeterminate sleep, and heart rate were compared between the groups. Linear multiple regression analyses were used to evaluate polysomnography data for the FGR and AGA groups.