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Publication ScopusĀ© Citations 1 12 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Caught in the Middle: Internal and External Pressures on the Coverage of Organized Crime in Mexico(2022); ;Daniel Barredo-IbƔƱezRubĆ©n Arnoldo GonzĆ”lez MacĆasWith 33 journalists killed since the beginning of AndrĆ©s Manuel LĆ³pez Obradorās presidential term in December 2018, Mexico heads the list of the most violent countries for journalists in Latin Americaāand that of countries not at war. While journalist organizations demand a meaningful protection apparatus to safeguard their physical safety, official corruption, and criminal impunity continue to escalate the pressures to which media staff are exposed, especially in Mexican states where cartels and criminal groups have the largest footprint. This study aims to precisely identify the pressures, both internal and external, facing journalists who report on organized crime in Mexico. To do this, we drew from the Hierarchy of Influences Model, and interviewed 22 Mexican journalists who work on the organized crime beat in the countryās capital and in the most violent states in the Republic. The results suggest that the most influential forces they face are associated with the organizational level (such as editorial line or institutional censorship), and the extramedia level (e.g., anti-press violence from cartels/authorities, and government advertising contracts).ScopusĀ© Citations 2 8 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Classification of Mexican audiences by their interest in digital news content and socioeconomic characteristics(2024); ; Alfonso Vara-MiguelThe news industry faces challenges due to the global macro and microeconomic environment. The current digital situation leads to the study of the characteristics of the audience interested in news content products. The central aim of this research is to classify the main attribute interest in digital news content in Mexico of the audienceās market by the attributes of age group, education level, and income level. This research is based on a survey of 2,005 digital news consumers in Mexico, directed in 2022 by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford for the annual Digital News Report Study. The statistical method used is data mining with decision trees that classify the audience by the attribute of interest in the news as the dependent variable and attributes of age groups, education level, and income level as independent variables. These findings confirm the segmentation of digital news consumersā audiences. The classification in which the attributes of age groups, level of education, and income level are considered simultaneously concerning audiencesā interests indicates that some of the predictions made show that some attributes may not be significant in some subsets, except for age group. The lowest average interest in the news is between 18 and 24 years, and the highest average interest in the news, which is nearly very interested, has audiences over 35 years.36 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ĀæCĆ³mo interpretan y contextualizan los periodistas mexicanos en las notas que publican sobre crimen organizado? La subjetividad ampliada(2023); ;Daniel Barredo-IbƔƱezRubĆ©n Arnoldo GonzĆ”lez MacĆasIntroducciĆ³n: la nociĆ³n de objetividad es la piedra angular del modelo liberal de periodismo profesional. Pero si se acepta la idea de que una de las finalidades del periodismo es ayudar a los ciudadanos a entender el mundo en el que viven, esto sĆ³lo se logra a travĆ©s de la visiĆ³n de los periodistas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el grado de interpretaciĆ³n y contextualizaciĆ³n que los periodistas mexicanos imprimen a sus publicaciones cuando informan sobre hechos relacionados con el crimen organizado. MetodologĆa: para ello, se han analizado 24 entrevistas cualitativas con reporteros que se dedican a este tipo de coberturas en toda la RepĆŗblica mexicana. Resultados y discusiĆ³n: del anĆ”lisis de los datos se establece que los periodistas sĆ interpretan y contextualizan para sus audiencias, y lo hacen con el interĆ©s de que estas alcancen a entender mejor el complejo fenĆ³meno que supone el crimen organizado. Aunque de forma mayoritaria dicen separar informaciĆ³n y opiniĆ³n, interpretan a travĆ©s de ciertas licencias y detalles aportados desde lo que hemos considerado una subjetividad ampliada, lo cual supone el principal aporte de este trabajo. Conclusiones: las principales conclusiones del estudio son que la presiĆ³n de los criminales limita esa libertad para la interpretaciĆ³n y que, a pesar de los esfuerzos, los entrevistados consideran que, de manera general, un lector mexicano promedio no alcanza a entender el crimen organizado, ni a travĆ©s de lo que ellos mismos publican, ni de lo que aparece en otros de los medios de MĆ©xico.38 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Convergence in the Mexican Media Industry 2011As in other countries, the majority of communications rms in Mexico face challenges and opportunities due to digital convergence. These have fostered convergence among some industry sectors, as well as changes in business models, related to the implementation of strategies designed to promote an active presence on the Internet and attract audiences (Albarran, 2010 , Chan-Olmsted, 2011 ; Grant & Wilkinson, 2009 ; Sullivan & Jiang, 2010 ). Well-considered strategies on the part of some Mexican entrepreneurs have even contributed to changing media consumption habits (GutiĆ©rrez-RenterĆa, 2011b ).ScopusĀ© Citations 2 11 2 Publication Editorial [al aƱo 4, nĆŗmero 2 de la Revista Panamericana de ComunicaciĆ³n].(Universidad Panamericana, Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n, 2022); Universidad Panamericana. Campus Ciudad de MĆ©xico. Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³nEn el mundo actual, la virtualidad se presenta como una necesidad y no ya como una novel invenciĆ³n. En consecuencia, la investigaciĆ³n de la comunicaciĆ³n ha incluido estas nuevas tecnologĆas digitales como un Ć”rea de estudio con el afĆ”n extender el conocimiento y aplicaciĆ³n de las teorĆas seminales del proceso comunicativo. Aunque esta incorporaciĆ³n se ha hecho con cierta reticencia, cada vez es mĆ”s comĆŗn encontrar voces acadĆ©micas que reivindiquen el rol de estas tecnologĆas y la complejidad de sus aplicaciones, alejĆ”ndose de la inclusiva influencia negativa en las audiencias. Uno de esos medios es los videojuegos47 178 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication El narcotrĆ”fico en el cine mexicano: arquetipos desde 2010 a 2017This article studies the archetypes and the iconography in contemporary Mexican films that deal with drug trafficking in order to examine the evolution of the narco cinema subgenre and changes in the representation of the narcocultura. The corpus is constituted by the biggest box office hits each year between 2010 and 2017, which are analysed thematically. This study suggests that the characteristics of the narcocultura continue circulating within Mexican cinema, but it does not point to a subgenreās existence. The genres circumscribing the films analysed promote the narcosā heroism via archetypes and iconography, which symbolize how narcos overcome their modus vivendi to stand as a legitimate authority against a corrupt government. Alongside this representation of narcos, these films also present objectified women and promote values such as loyalty and family. The aforementioned archetypes and iconography offer a view of life in which violence is normalized, and crime is seen as a legitimate lifestyle.ScopusĀ© Citations 1 15 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ScopusĀ© Citations 2 16 2 Publication Exploring affect, identity, and populism in and around Todd Phillipsā Joker(Universidad Panamericana, Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n, 2022) ;Sreepada, Nihar; Universidad Panamericana. Campus Ciudad de MĆ©xico. Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³nCultural identity has become a fluid concept in which several positionalities converge; most of them are influenced greatly by popular culture, causing a con-stant individual negotiation between their real lives and the image on the screen. In 2019, Todd Phillipsās Joker achieved worldwide success not only at the box office but also in critical appraisal. Unlike previous representations of this villain as a disruptive social persona, Jok-er showed the main character as a political figure that gives agency and voice to the people who are socially repressed. The impact of this representation transcended Anglo cultures to the extent of symbolizing a popu-list uprising and a growing anti-government sentiment. Nevertheless, this figureās appropriation brings two problematic ideological standpoints to the goal these groups aim: violence as the only alternative to restoring equality in society and color blindness that silences the struggles that cultures face depending on their context35 133 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication How Do Journalists in Mexico Report on Organised Crime(2021); ;Daniel Barredo IbƔƱezRubĆ©n Arnoldo GonzĆ”lez MacĆasAmong the many outcomes of the so-called War on Drugs, Mexico has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalism. Besides killings and kidnappings, journalists are also frequent victims of beatings, arbitrary detentions, and online harassment, as well as many other acts of aggression. Anti-press violence has an evident impact on Mexican journalistsā daily activities, particularly as related to the coverage of organised crime. The endemic risk that news workers constantly face determines how they represent and interpret the stories they report on when it comes to this issue. Thus, this inquiry aims to analyse the practices that reporters and editors implement during the news-making process when covering cartelsā activities. In doing so, this paper draws on a set of in-depth interviews with news workers from Mexicoās main national newspapers, and from all the states where journalists were killed in 2017. The main findings indicate that there is a lack of written norms for the coverage of organised crime, and that reporters refer to criminals with a sense of familiarity. In addition, this study contributes to the understanding of journalistsā decisions in the field when doing their job, especially in dangerous conditions.ScopusĀ© Citations 2 31 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Influence of news interest, payment of digital news, and primary news sources in media trust. A moderated mediation model(2023) ;Alfonso Vara-Miguel ;Mercedes MedinaScopusĀ© Citations 2 5 2 Publication 31 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication La ficcionalizaciĆ³n de la fuga de JoaquĆn GuzmĆ”n Loera en la prensa mexicana. Un estudio del tratamiento en los periĆ³dicos "Reforma", "El Universal", "La Jornada" y "ExcĆ©lsior" (2015)(2017); ;Daniel Barredo IbƔƱezMario HuesoInformar sobre el narcotrĆ”fico es complejo desde cualquier punto de vista. MĆ”s si cabe en un paĆs como MĆ©xico, considerado como uno de los territorios mĆ”s peligrosos del mundo para los informadores. En este artĆculo mostraremos los resultados de un anĆ”lisis de contenido en los cuatro principales periĆ³dicos mexicanos sobre las piezas periodĆsticas relacionadas con la fuga de JoaquĆn GuzmĆ”n Loera del penal del Altiplano, un caso que generĆ³ una enorme expectaciĆ³n internacional. SegĆŗn los datos procesados, explicamos cĆ³mo en MĆ©xico los periodistas podrĆan construir coberturas como la estudiada entre factores como el miedo y la pretensiĆ³n de espectacularidadScopusĀ© Citations 6 16 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ScopusĀ© Citations 19 7 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ScopusĀ© Citations 3 2 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Media Management and Economics Research in Latin America(2018); ;Alan B. Albarran ;Bozena I. MierzejewskaJaemin JungScopusĀ© Citations 3 41 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication MEDIA MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS RESEARCH IN LATIN AMERICA Challenges and Opportunities for Scholars in the Field(2019); ;Alan B. Albarran ;Bozena I. MierzejewskaJaemin JungScopusĀ© Citations 3 5 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Perfil de un grupo de audiencia universitaria en MĆ©xico segĆŗn su participaciĆ³n ciudadana, confianza en las instituciones e interacciĆ³n cĆvica en los medios en 2017(2019); ;Lea Hellmueller; Martha-Guadalupe PĆ©rez-Ayala MaderoEsta investigaciĆ³n de enfoque cuantitativo muestra las singularidades de una audiencia universitaria en MĆ©xico en 2017, medida segĆŗn su participaciĆ³n cĆvica, la valoraciĆ³n que da a las instituciones y la actuaciĆ³n interactiva que tiene con los medios respecto a temas sociales y polĆticos. La poblaciĆ³n encuestada estuvo formada por 1,195 jĆ³venes adultos de 23 aƱos de edad promedio y que forma parte de la comunidad universitaria situada en Jalisco, Ciudad de MĆ©xico y Aguascalientes. Los resultados muestran que la participaciĆ³n offline de capital social fue mĆ”s significativa que la online. Las instituciones que tuvieron Ćndice aprobatorio fueron las religiosas, las universidades y los medios de comunicaciĆ³n. En este Ć”mbito, existieron diferencias significativas al evaluarlas entre grupos de edad y segĆŗn el sexo. Esta audiencia tuvo rasgos de ser pasiva y conservadora respecto a su consumo informativo y reflejĆ³ apatĆa para manifestar su opiniĆ³n en los medios de comunicaciĆ³n del paĆs.ScopusĀ© Citations 2 60 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Recapturing JoaquĆn āChapoā GuzmĆ”n in the Mexican Press: An Analysis of the Front Page of El Universal, Reforma, ExcĆ©lsior, and La Jornada in 2016(2018); ;Luis VeresDaniel Barredo IbƔƱezScopusĀ© Citations 1 46 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Reportear bajo amenaza: violencia, profesionalizaciĆ³n y modernizaciĆ³n irregular del sistema mediĆ”tico mexicano(2021) ;RubĆ©n Arnoldo GonzĆ”lez; Daniel Barredo-IbƔƱezUn sistema mediĆ”tico considerado como moderno requiere, entre otros aspectos, el ejercicio de un periodismo libre y profesional. Sin embargo, en MĆ©xico, esto no ha sido del todo posible, porque la creciente violencia contra los periodistas se ha erigido como uno de los principales obstĆ”culos para su trabajo. En ese sentido, a partir de 93 entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en 23 de los estados mĆ”s violentos del paĆs, el objetivo es describir las respuestas de los periodistas mexicanos hacia las constantes amenazas y agresiones que enfrentan. Los resultados indican que, en relaciĆ³n con la profesionalizaciĆ³n del periodismo, la violencia contra los medios tiene principalmente dos implicaciones. En primer lugar, los ataques han favorecido el desarrollo de mejores prĆ”cticas periodĆsticas, tales como apego a los datos y hechos, diversificaciĆ³n de fuentes de informaciĆ³n, despliegue de coberturas colaborativas y creaciĆ³n de asociaciones de periodistas. En segundo lugar, en no pocos casos, la violencia ha inhibido el ejercicio de la prensa, fomentando la autocensura o la dependencia de los boletines oficiales de gobierno. La coexistencia de ambas reacciones pone de manifiesto el carĆ”cter irregular del sistema mediĆ”tico mexicano y su proceso de modernizaciĆ³n.ScopusĀ© Citations 4 28 2