Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto
The resonance of Mike Jackson's work with the use of systems ideas in community operational research
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools to Explain and Enhance Experiential Learning for Authentic Assessment
Requirements of Challenge based Learning for Experiential Learning Spaces, an Industrial Engineering Application Case
Expanding the Concept of Learning Spaces for Industrial Engineering Education
Implementing a challenge-based learning experience in a bioinstrumentation blended course
Empowering Nanostores for Competitiveness and Sustainable Communities in Emerging Countries: A Generative Artificial Intelligence Strategy Ideation Process
Challenges and Opportunities of Generative AI for Higher Education as Explained by ChatGPT
Transdisciplinary experiential learning in biomedical engineering education for healthcare systems improvement
Experiential Learning Spaces for Industrial Engineering Education
Situational Awareness Errors in Forklift Logistics Operations: A Multiphase Eye-Tracking and Think-Aloud Approach