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Stair Climbing Robot Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Impaired

2019 , Campos, Guillermo , Poza, David , Reyes, Moises , Zacate, Alma , Ponce, Hiram , Brieva, Jorge , Moya-Albor, Ernesto

When a person loses the sense of sight, in general, it is suggested to use a white cane to perform daily activities. However, using a white cane limits the movement of a person. In addition, guide dogs can be served in this impairment. However, the acquisition and maintenance of a guide dog is extremely high for people in development countries. In this regard, this paper presents a proof-of-concept of a low-cost robotic system able to guide a visual impaired, as a guide dog. The robot is specially designed for climbing stairs at indoors, and it uses convolutional neural networks (CNN) for both object detection and hand gesture recognition for special instructions from the user. Experimental results showed that our prototype robot can climb stairs with 86.7% of efficiency in concrete stair surfaces. Also, the visual representation by CNN performed more than 98% accuracy. © 2019 IEEE.

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SCOMA hand prosthetic

2021 , García, Carlos , Reyes, Arturo , Canul, Monserrat , Gurza, Octavio , Cruzado, Sebastián , Díaz, Joaquín , Brieva, Jorge , Moya-Albor, Ernesto , Ponce, Hiram

SCOMA Prosthetic Hand is a robotic hand that can give to the patient the ability to resume a good part of their daily activities. It is not only designed to resume daily activities, but also to improve the mental health of the patient. Worldwide, each year the number of amputees increases from 150,000 to 200,000 in which 30% of these amputees have suffered an upper limb amputation but only between 27% and 44% of them use arm prostheses. There are many reasons behind this, but some aspects to consider about existing prostheses are: uncomfortable, very expensive, have a robotic appearance, or need invasive procedures to fit patients. In our proposal we used the mechatronic design methodology and the data from the Amputee Coalition to create a new hand prosthesis. We analyzed it through different studies such as SWOT diagrams, quality matrix, goal tree and pairwise comparison matrix and simulation tests. In addition, we tested a 3D printing to find a suitable design and the most assertive components. By building the robotic hand with cheaper, more common components and limited functions, we can offer to the patients a comfortable prosthesis and a new more realistic option than those offer on the market. This prosthesis have limited functions but can be accessible to many people and the design could be improved in the future easily. © 2021 IEEE.

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Video motion magnification for monitoring of vital signals using a perceptual model

2017 , Brieva, Jorge , Moya-Albor, Ernesto , Gomez-Coronel, Sandra L. , Ponce, Hiram

In this paper we present an Eulerian motion magnification technique using a spatial decomposition based on the Steered Hermite Transform (SHT) which is inspired in the Human Vision System (HVS). We test our method in one sequence of the breathing of a newborn baby and on a video sequence that shows the heartbeat on the wrist. We estimate the heart pulse applying the Fourier transform on the magnified sequences. Our motion magnification approach is compared to the Laplacian and the Cartesian Hermite decomposition strategies by means of quantitative metrics. © 2017 SPIE.

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3D optical flow estimation in cardiac CT images using the Hermite transform

2017 , Moya-Albor, Ernesto , Mira, Carlos , Brieva, Jorge , Escalante-Ramírez, Boris , Vallejo Venegas, Enrique

Heart diseases are one of the most important causes of death in the Western world. It is, then, important to implement algorithms to aid the specialist in analyzing the heart motion. We propose a new strategy to estimate the cardiac motion through a 3D optical flow differential technique that uses the Steered Hermite transform (SHT). SHT is a tool that performs a decomposition of the images in a base that model the visual patterns used by the human vision system (HSV) for processing the information. The 3D + t analysis allows to describe most of motions of the heart, for example, the twisting motion that takes place on every beat cycle and to identify abnormalities of the heart walls. Our proposal was tested on two phantoms and on two sequences of cardiac CT images corresponding to two different patients. We evaluate our method using a reconstruction schema, for this, the resulting 3D optical flow was applied over the volume at time t to obtain a estimated volume at time t + 1. We compared our 3D optical flow approach to the classical Horn and Shunk's 3D algorithm for different levels of noise. © 2017 SPIE.

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Modular IoT-based Automated Hydroponic System

2021 , Aranda, Manlio , Savage, Alejandra , San Roman, José Luis , Noguera, Luis , Ponce, Hiram , Brieva, Jorge , Moya-Albor, Ernesto

The growth of population and the rapid urbanization have demanded overproduction of food while reducing the water supply, increasing energy consumption, limiting the land, and augmenting the cost of food transportation. Moreover, overproduction comes with food waste and a negative impact on the ecosystem. As an alternative, urban farming has been proposed to mitigate this problem. It includes cultivating in rooftops and residential indoors. In this regard, this work proposes the development of an automatic modular and vertical hydroponic system capable to regulate the water flow, the artificial lights, and the pH of the water. The hydroponic system is made of modules which means the user can upgrade the system depending on the needs like higher production or space reconfiguration. Also, the hydroponic system implements Internet-of-Things to monitor and operate it remotely. A first prototype is presented, and the experimental results validate its potential applicability. © 2021 IEEE.

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Bio-inspired Optical Flow-based Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Control

2019 , Moya-Albor, Ernesto , Gomez-Coronel, Sandra L. , Ponce, Hiram , Brieva, Jorge , Chávez Domínguez, Rodrigo , Guadarrama-Muñoz, Alexis E.

In this paper, we propose a new methodology for autonomous obstacle avoidance control using a bio-inspired optical flow estimation. The main difference with other methods is that we use an image model inspired by the human vision system to define the constraints in the optical flow formulation which includes a Hermite transform (HT) and a perceptive mask. We use a physical robot platform to test the control algorithm, where due to the structure of the chassis a forward, reverse and turn movements were defined. The robot has a RBG camera to capture images of the path and then calculate optical flow estimation. To define velocity and direction robot response we propose a fuzzy controller. Finally, we made some experiments to demonstrate the performance of control navigation, and how responds algorithm using HT and a perceptive mask. © 2019 IEEE.

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Motion estimation and segmentation in CT cardiac images using the Hermite transform and active shape models

2013 , Boris Escalante-Ramírez , Ernesto Moya-Albor , Leiner Barba-J , Fernando Arambula Cosio , Enrique Vallejo , Andrew G. Tescher

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A perceptive watermarking approach applied to COVID-19 imaging data

2020 , Gomez-Coronel, Sandra L. , Moya-Albor, Ernesto , Brieva, Jorge , Ponce, Hiram

This work presents a watermarking algorithm applied to medical images of COVID-19 patients. The principal objective is to protect the information of the patient using an imperceptible watermarking and to preserve its diagnose. Our technique is based on a perceptive approach to insert the watermark by decomposing the medical image using the Hermite transform. We use as watermark two image logos, including text strings to demonstrate that the watermark can contain relevant information of the patient. Some metrics were applied to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Finally, we present some results about robustness with some attacks applied to watermark images. © 2020 SPIE

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Vision-Based Autonomous Navigation with Evolutionary Learning

2020 , Moya-Albor, Ernesto , Ponce, Hiram , Brieva, Jorge , Coronel, Sandra L. , Chávez Domínguez, Rodrigo

In this paper, we propose a vision-based autonomous robotics navigation system, it uses a bio-inspired optical flow approach using the Hermite transform and a fuzzy logic controller, the input membership functions were tuned applying a distributed evolutionary learning based on social wound treatment inspired in the Megaponera analis ant. The proposed method was implemented in a virtual robotics system using the V-REP software and in communication con MATLAB. The results show that the optimization of the input fuzzy membership functions improves the navigation behavior against an empirical tuning of them. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Phase-based motion magnification video for monitoring of vital signals using the Hermite transform

2017 , Brieva, Jorge , Moya-Albor, Ernesto

In this paper we present a new Eulerian phase-based motion magnification technique using the Hermite Transform (HT) decomposition that is inspired in the Human Vision System (HVS). We test our method in one sequence of the breathing of a newborn baby and on a video sequence that shows the heartbeat on the wrist. We detect and magnify the heart pulse applying our technique. Our motion magnification approach is compared to the Laplacian phase based approach by means of quantitative metrics (based on the RMS error and the Fourier transform) to measure the quality of both reconstruction and magnification. In addition a noise robustness analysis is performed for the two methods. © 2017 SPIE.