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CSR and Virtue Ethics: The common good of firms, markets, and civil society

2021 , Scalzo, Germán

This chapter probes the social responsibility of firms using a virtue ethics approach and the concept of the common good. In particular, it highlights the contrasting assumptions of mainstream approaches and the common good of the firm approach to explaining how the latter—rooted in Aristotelian virtue ethics—provides an original conception of social responsibility. A common good approach to social justice understands social relationships essentially as duties to which one voluntarily adheres; when said justice and commitment to the common good flourishes, community ensues. Finally, a virtue ethics approach to corporate social responsibility establishes three forms of duty and social responsibility to stakeholders, including those who make up the firm, those who maintain a market-based relationship with it, and those who are related to the firm as part of society’s civic sphere.

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Physician knowledge and attitudes toward breast cancer screening strategies in transgender population.

2022 , Scalzo, Germán

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La lógica del don en las relaciones humanas: Economía y reciprocidad a la luz de los radicales polianos

2022 , Scalzo, Germán , Moreno-Almárcegui, Antonio

Con el fin de cuestionar la primacía del contrato sobre la lógica del don en la modernidad, se contrastan tres arquetipos de relación social a la luz de los radicales polianos, así como los tipos de reciprocidad que se derivan de cada uno de ellos. A la reciprocidad cerrada-dual moderna se opone la reciprocidad abierta-triádica, que es la que caracteriza a las relaciones de don, tanto en su versión clásica como cristiana. Se concluye que sólo el radical cristiano de la persona integra la lógica del don con el sentido radical de la libertad, desde una antropología que complementa la práctica de virtudes como camino de perfección moral con la apertura a la trascendencia y la ayuda al más necesitado. ©2022 Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. All rights reserved.

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The role of empathy in shared intentionality: Contributions from Inter-Processual Self theory

2023 , Luis, Elkin O. , Martínez, Martín , Akrivou, Kleio , Scalzo, Germán , Aoiz, Martín , Orón Semper, José Víctor

Research in psychology related to the conceptualization of empathy has been on the rise in the last decades. However, we argue that there is still space for further research to help capture the important notion of empathy and its theoretical and conceptual depth. Following a critical review of the current state of the research that conceptualizes and measures empathy, we focus on works that highlight the importance of a shared vision and its relevance in psychology and neuroscience. Considering the state of the art of current neuroscientific and psychological approaches to empathy, we argue for the relevance of shared intention and shared vision in empathy-related actions. Upon review of different models that emphasize a shared vision for informing research on empathy, we suggest that a newly developed theory of self, human growth and action–the so-called Inter-Processual Self theory (IPS)–can significantly and novelly inform the theorization on empathy beyond what the literature has stated to date. Then, we show how an understanding of integrity as a relational act that requires empathy is an essential mechanism for current key research on empathy and its related concepts and models. Ultimately, we aim to present IPS as a distinctive proposal to expand upon the conceptualization of empathy. Copyright © 2023 Luis, Martínez, Akrivou, Scalzo, Aoiz and Orón Semper.

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Pricing for a Common Good: beyond Ethical Minimalism in Commercial Practices

2021 , Pinto-Garay, Javier , Ferrero, Ignacio , Scalzo, Germán

Pricing policies and fair-trade practices are critical for sustaining commercial relationships between firms and customers. Nevertheless, in current business practices, fairness has been mistakenly reduced to a minimalistic ethic wherein justice only demands legal and explicit norms to which commercial parties voluntarily agree. Aimed at giving a different explanation of commercial agreements, this paper will introduce a Virtue Ethics (VE) explanation of the relationship between pricing and the common good by taking up classical concepts related to justice in commerce. In particular, we will explore three principles associated with the notion of fairness in commerce as defined in Neo-Aristotelian ethics towards a relationship between a common good and justice in pricing, i.e., proportionality, benevolence and well-being. To exemplify how these criteria of justice apply to decision-making in commercial practices, we will discuss several cases of fair and unfair commercial relationships. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG part of Springer Nature.

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How much (more) is fair to pay? The ethics of merit in assessing poverty wages in organizations

2024 , Pinto, Javier , Scalzo, Germán

Purpose: This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of poverty salaries and minimum wage in light of virtue ethics and a new natural law perspective on work. Design/methodology/approach: Existing approaches to poverty wages are critically examined, including the nonworseness claim and legal minimalism. This paper introduces a more nuanced framework, taking into account the concepts of merit and participation in light of virtue ethics. Research limitations/implications: Empirical research is needed to validate the practical application of the proposed conceptual framework for addressing poverty wages. Practical implications: The paper provides better decisional arguments for employers concerned with poverty salaries in their organizations considering the moral dimensions of wage policies and employee well-being, offering guidance for potential adjustments in compensation practices. It also contributes to the discourse on social and economic justice by emphasizing the moral obligations of organizations in fostering a just and dignified work environment without the employee's participation. Originality/value: This paper presents a novel approach that blends virtue ethics and new natural law principles, emphasizing the moral responsibilities of employers and organizations in addressing the conditions of the working poor. It also highlights the potential for a “lesser evil” situation, morally acceptable when it serves as a transitional phase aimed at improving working conditions and employee well-being. ©Emerald.

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Génesis del pensamiento económico: dos visiones en pugna

2015 , Scalzo, Germán

A finales del siglo XVIII, tras la publicación de La Riqueza de las Naciones (Smith, 1776), se consolida un cambio de paradigma en el modo de concebir la economía, caracterizado por una progresiva “naturalización” o “despersonalización”, que es comúnmente aceptado como la génesis de la ciencia económica. Desde esta perspectiva, la economía se considera un proceso necesario que responde a leyes tan objetivas como las de la física; “descubrirlas” sería la tarea propia del economista. El presente trabajo cuestiona esta visión apodíctica a través de una aproximación a la concepción de la actividad económica en los mismos orígenes del pensamiento filosófico –puntualmente, en las posturas platónica y aristotélica, dos propuestas originales que conforman la génesis del pensamiento económico– con el objeto de mostrar que existe una estrecha relación entre una noción de economía y la concepción antropológica subyacente. © Cauriensia

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Castleman's Disease:Clinicopathological Characteristics of a Cohort of Hispanic Patients

2022 , Scalzo, Germán

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Autonomy and subordination: virtuous work in light of aristotelian practical knowledge in organizational theory

2021 , Pinto-Garay, Javier , Scalzo, Germán , Ferrero, Ignacio

This paper aims to integrate the concept of autonomous and subordinated work into Aristotelian organizational theory by enhancing the epistemological framework of neo-Aristotelianism and by adding a Thomistic interpretation of organizational practical knowledge. We sustain that, in order to advance our understanding of the firm in terms of excellence and the common good, the concept of practical knowledge applied to organizational theory requires reflection on the nature of work in modern organizations. For this, we will explain (i) how an organization that aims for excellence is most appropriately defined as a community of autonomous work, (ii) how practical knowledge in organizations must be defined considering work as deliberative production and, finally, (iii) how productivity in organizations is best described when work is envisioned in terms of autonomy and subordination. ©2021 Business & Professional Ethics Journal.

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Del dominio a la propiedad individual

2016 , Martínez Echevarría, Miguel Alfonso , Scalzo, Germán

El presente artículo presenta una reflexión sobre la riqueza o el “modo humano de tener”, tanto desde una perspectiva privada –relacionada con la noción de dominium–,como pública –ius o derecho–. Tras una fundamentación antropológica del dominio, se analiza su evolución histórica y en especial el extraño caso del “dominio sin propiedad” que propone la pobreza voluntaria franciscana y que da lugar a una visión espiritualista del dominio. Esta perspectiva contribuiría a que en la modernidad se produjera un cierto enfrentamiento entre las nociones de derecho y ley. Esta tensión, presente en la filosofía de Suárez, es fundamental para comprender las interpretaciones modernas del dominio como un derecho de propiedad individual. ©2016 Cauriensia, Universidad de Extremadura.