Brieva, Jorge
Data-Driven Innovation for Intelligent Technology : Perspectives and Applications in ICT
Mechatronic Design of a Low-Cost Smart Wheelchair Controlled by Joystick and Voice Commands
RADAMA: Design of an Intelligent Waste Separator with the Combination of Different Sensors
Optimal Dataset Size for Fine-Tuning sEMG-Based Hand Gesture Recognition in Rehabilitation Prosthesis
Phase-based motion magnification video for monitoring of vital signals using the Hermite transform
A perceptive watermarking approach applied to COVID-19 imaging data
A Vision-based Robotic Navigation Method Using an Evolutionary and Fuzzy Q-Learning Approach
Non-contact breathing rate monitoring system using a magnification technique and convolutional networks
Non-Contact Respiratory Rate Estimation in Newborns During Quiet Sleep Using Video Magnification Techniques and a 3D Convolutional Neural Network
Segmentation and motion estimation applied to fetal heart analysis using a multi-texture active appearance model and an optical flow approach