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Los efectos cognitivos-transaccionales de los medios de comunicaciĆ³n como fundamento de los derechos de las audiencias

2017 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano

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XX Aniversario de la Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n. Crecimiento en calidad de la investigaciĆ³n y la docencia.

2020-01-01 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano , Universidad Panamericana. Campus Ciudad de MĆ©xico. Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n

Tengo el gusto de presentar el segundo nĆŗmero de nuestra Revista Panamericana de ComunicaciĆ³n. Es un hecho que me llena de alegrĆ­a por muy diversos motivos. Esperamos que la Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n, de fiesta por su vigĆ©simo aniversario, siga sirviendo a la sociedad formando profesionales que tengan claridad sobre la responsabilidad de sus decisiones y su actuar en el marco de la Ć©tica. Este nĆŗmero monogrĆ”fico abona, indudablemente, a la consecuciĆ³n de nuestra misiĆ³n institucional.

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PresentaciĆ³n : AƱo 4, No. 1. Enero-Junio

2022 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano , Universidad Panamericana. Campus Ciudad de MĆ©xico. Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n

Tengo el gusto de comunicar a nuestros lectores la salida del volumen 4, nĆŗmero 1, enero-junio de 2022 de la Revista Panamericana de ComunicaciĆ³n. Me congratula pensar que el ilusionado y todavĆ­a joven proyecto que naciĆ³ apenas tres aƱos va escalando posiciones en las preferencias de la comunidad cientĆ­fica internacional de las Ciencias de la ComunicaciĆ³n y que va mereciendo cada vez mĆ”s la atenciĆ³n de repositorios, portales de revistas y plataformas de indexaciĆ³n, las mĆ”s recientes Scielo y Redalyc.

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Enactive approach to social interactions in religious media ecologies

2023 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano , Briedis, Mindaugas

In this article we examine the role of the body in constituting specific social interactions via religious media ecologies from the perspective of the enactive embodied cognition. Religious media ecologies give affordances for conversation and interaction which amplify not only religious but also social beliefs and turn subjective judgements into an intersubjective reality. Hence, despite the traditional emphasis on rational, verbal forms of social interaction, we consider the human body to be something of a cognitive pattern or map, representing important social senses and relations. Thematizing the proximity between embodied cognition and religious media ecologies can bring together philosophy and sociology, while addressing a range of prominent thinkers in an original way. Ā© 2023 Intellect Ltd

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The Body in Religious Media Ecologies: The Case of Subaltern Latino Counterpublics

2022 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano , Briedis, Mindaugas

This paper explores the body-schematic and body-imaginative processes that underlie individualsā€™ participation in the public sphere via religious media ecologies. Utilising embodied cognition and social critique, the authors outline how subaltern counterpublics make use of the body to enact micro-oppositions to mainstream discourses. The paper also discloses the origins of higher objectivities (identity, sense of togetherness, justice, plausibility, opposition and openness) in embodiment. Discussing counterpublics through the prism of embodied cognition, as found in Latin religious media ecologies, constitutes a valuable alternative to the logocentric understanding of public consent. While the dominant discourse privileges abstract formal cognition, Latino subalterns use bodily, affective and enactive affordances given by religious media ecologies. The latter offer affordances and alternative strategies for enacting social imagination, bridging the personal and the public in physically choreographed joint intentions. Embodied participation suggests a constitutive process of public meaning that makes use of the body as the most fundamental medium of communication.

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Imaginative communication and community: the phenomenological-enactive approach to the co-constitution of public phenomena

2021-12-05 , Briedis, Mindaugas , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano

An ever-evolving phenomenological-enactive perspective can expand our reflection on the entanglement between enactive subjects and their living ecologies. This article applies certain classical phenomenological projects and their enactive extension to public phenomena (objects, spaces, events, etc.). As an instance of the embodied cognition discourse, this research also aims to thematize the enactive, affective, and intersubjective aspects of the relation to the (urban) Lebenswelt. This may help in understanding both the potential of the phenomenological-enactive methodology and the processes of an embodied intersubjective co-constitution of a public ethos. Theoretical ideas presented in the article are illustrated with reflections on some concrete public phenomena.

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Los efectos cognitivos-transaccionales de los medios de comunicaciĆ³n como fundamento de los derechos de las audiencias

2017 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano

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PresentaciĆ³n : AƱo 5, No. 1. enero-junio

2023 , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano , Universidad Panamericana. Campus Ciudad de MĆ©xico. Escuela de ComunicaciĆ³n

Es siempre con una gran ilusiĆ³n con la que le damos la bienvenida a un nĆŗmero mĆ”s de la Revista Panamericana de ComunicaciĆ³n, ilusiĆ³n que se potencia con la perspectiva de que esta nueva entrega enmarca los primeros cinco aƱos de operaciones de esta publicaciĆ³n. Toda revista acadĆ©mica se origina como un proyecto que nace de la generosidad y del compromiso con la vida universitaria, ya que busca contribuir a difundir los conocimientos novedosos que las y los colegas van generando en nuestra Ć”rea de cono-cimiento. Esa ilusiĆ³n con la que empezĆ³ esta andadura hace ya cinco aƱos tuvo como uno de sus principales protagonistas al queridĆ­simo Dr. JosĆ© LĆ³pez Yepes, a quien queremos dedicar este nĆŗmero y rendir homenaje, insuficiente y merecidĆ­simo, con esta presentaciĆ³n

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Conceptual problems with disembodied cognition in learning environment(s) and the alternative of embodied creativity

2024 , Briedis, Mindaugas , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano

The article is motivated by todayā€™s practical realities and theoretical transformations that have affected education on a major scale. The shift from in-person to online classrooms at the beginning of the pandemic brought forward a series of issues related to embodied conditioning for creative strategies in the learning process. After presenting the shortcomings of the disembodied approach to education, we emphasize the role of the embodied (somatic, motoric, affective) aspects of education and discuss the embodied skills of creativity in a variety of learning environments. While so called embodied creativity became a fast-developing field due to mostly quantitative experiments in teaching-learning environments, it still lacks some conceptual clarification, especially in relation to its genesis in the paradigm of embodied cognition. Hence the main goal of this conceptual article is to extend, through the method of theory adaptation, the existing body of research on embodied cognition in academic environments to show how the embodied teaching and learning paradigm presents embodied creativity methods as an alternative to the disembodied approach to education and how technological environments provide an opportunity for such purposes.

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2024 , Briedis, Mindaugas , Navarro Arroyo, Mariano

The article is motivated by todayā€™s practical realities and theoretical transformations that have affected education on a major scale. The shift from in-person to online classrooms at the beginning of the pandemic brought forward a series of issues related to embodied conditioning for creative strategies in the learning process. After presenting the shortcomings of the disembodied approach to education, we emphasize the role of the embodied (somatic, motoric, affective) aspects of education and discuss the embodied skills of creativity in a variety of learning environments. While so called embodied creativity became a fast-developing field due to mostly quantitative experiments in teaching-learning environments, it still lacks some conceptual clarification, especially in relation to its genesis in the paradigm of embodied cognition. Hence the main goal of this conceptual article is to extend, through the method of theory adaptation, the existing body of research on embodied cognition in academic environments to show how the embodied teaching and learning paradigm presents embodied creativity methods as an alternative to the disembodied approach to education and how technological environments provide an opportunity for such purposes.