Nucamendi-Guillén, Samuel
A capacitated lot-sizing problem in the industrial fashion sector under uncertainty: a conditional value-at-risk framework
The Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits Under Uncertainty
A Capacitated Vehicle Routing Model for Distribution and Repair with a Service Center
An improved LINMAP for multicriteria decision: designing customized incentive portfolios in an organization
A Bi-Level Vaccination Points Location Problem That Aims at Social Distancing and Equity for the Inhabitants
An optimization framework for the distribution process of a manufacturing company balancing deliverymen workload and customer’s waiting times
A Formulation for the Stochastic Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Solved with a Multi-Start Iterated Local Search Metaheuristic
A methodology for increasing revenue in fashion retail industry
New formulations and solution approaches for the latency location routing problem
The Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Including Priority Indexes