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Critical Social Participatory Action Research for Conscientization: Pedagogies and Findings from Xochimilco

2024 , Schmidt, Sarah , Rivas Aceves, Salvador

The Small Scale Food Production for Cultural Preservation and Economic Inclusion project is a critical social participatory action research project that utilizes critical pedagogies to facilitate spaces of learning and research where power differentials are both recognized and dismantled. The process of consciousness raising those results is an example of applied conscientization. The key pedagogical strategies explained in this article include co-constructed knowledge, critical praxis, a relational design rooted in dialogue and ongoing project partnership. Copyright © 2024 by The Kerala State Higher Education Council

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Sustainable Gardening for Economic Inclusion, Poverty Reduction, and Culture Preservation

2022 , Rivas Aceves, Salvador , Schmidt, Sarah

Sustainable gardening activities can be the basis to reduce poverty while preserving culture. By generating economic inclusion, gardening can provide the entry point into society for vulnerable communities. Community stakeholders in Mexico City and Northeast Ohio were studied to analyze whether sustainable gardening can generate economic inclusion while preserving culture. Through in-depth interviews, the relationship between these three components is analyzed. In particular, topics such as gardening experience, family traditions, institutional support, economic barriers, use of technology, cropping methods, and social integration were explored. From conception to implementation and analysis, the goal of agency building reinforced social sustainability. In addition to interpretive qualitative interviews, experiential research was conducted through a “working-with” model where the communities in reference contributed intellectual resources to the project-based research design. Primary results fall into three primary categories including gardening methods, cultural preservation, and economic factors. In each analyzed case, implications of cultural preservation emerge as a foundational motivation to maintain the particular agricultural practice. Despite significant economic barriers, including high poverty rates, the cases in reference nonetheless maintain traditions, thus highlighting the importance of culture. Negative economic implications suggest an absence of institutional support, which contribute to issues of poverty and low quality of life. Social implications indicate a level of marginalization that contributes to the aforementioned economic and institutional barriers. © 2022 by the authors.

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Measuring familiness in private family firms : a bayesian network model

2018 , Dávila-Aragón, Griselda , Ramírez Pérez, Héctor Xavier , Rivas Aceves, Salvador

The objective of this analysis was to identify the causality among variables that originate the highest level of familiness in private family firms. The Bayesian Networks (BN) theory was applied to measure the effectiveness of resources and capabilities provided by the family members within a family business to understand causal relations among variables by using probabilistic reasoning throughout a graphic. Re­sults showed that if salary of family members was higher than salary of employees in the same position, if family members shared information among themselves, and if family firms presented family-employee bonds, there was an 83%, 70%, and 79% of probability of having a high level familiness, respectively. The limitation of the study is that any modification in the BN might show different outcomes. These findings expand the knowledge on family business discipline and suggest a path for family business’ leaders to increase familiness. If family firms want to strengthen their competitive advantage, the main variables they should focus, among all the resources and capabilities that represent familiness, are salaries of family members, sharing information, and family-employee bonds.

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Financial prudential behavior and economic growth

2020 , Rivas Aceves, Salvador , Dávila-Aragón, Griselda

The 2008 global financial crisis showed not only that there is a link between real economy and financial markets, but also that financial stability is necessary for investment, innovation and of course economic growth. Regarding the link between real and financial sectors, several studies long before the 2008 financial crisis revealed positive impacts from financial sector on real economy, basically because a solid financial system promote physic and human capital accumulation, see Banerjee and Newman (1993) Galor and Zeira (1993), Aghion and Bolton (1997), Piketty (1997), Levine (1997), Levine and Zervos (1998), Rajan and Zingales (1998). When considering well-developed financial markets as economic growth promoters the researches of Levine (2005), Aghion et al. (2005) and Acemoglu et al. (2006) proved that financial develop indeed accelerates economic growth.

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The Importance of Health and Social Protection Assets in the Economic Welfare of Households in Mexico

2023 , De la Torre-Diaz, Lorena , Rodríguez Aguilar, Román , Rivas Aceves, Salvador

This paper seeks determines how the possession of health and social protection assets affects the probability of a household belonging to a given quintile of a proposed asset ownership index. An ordered logistic regression model was constructed. As a dependent variable, the quintile of each household was used according to the index. This research is based on 48 explanatory variables from the 2020 National Income and Expenses Survey. It confirms that health and social protection assets are relevant in the location of households in a quintile according to its socioeconomic condition. Estimated marginal effects and predictions for every quintile, show that the effect of the assets varies according to the quintile. Ownership of specific assets increase the likelihood of belonging to the higher quintiles. The possession of a voluntary pension fund is the most relevant asset. The empirical results obtained may contribute to design more efficient inequality-reducing public policies by promoting its acquisition and thereby encouraging social mobility. Main limitations of this research are related with the small number of health and social-protection related variables in the survey. ©Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas

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Government financial regulation and growth

2017 , Rivas Aceves, Salvador , Amato, Chiara

The effects of financial system on economic growth rate are identified. To do this in an endogenous stochastic growth model with two types of financial systems, efficient and inefficient ones, the effects on growth are studied. This investigation shows that financial inefficiency has a negative impact on growth. A financial regulation through a capital yield tax corrects negative impacts on growth; furthermore, the necessary conditions for growing under this scenario are characterized. An empirical study is carried out in order to verify the relationship between economic growth and financial regulations. © 2017 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Economía.