Gonzalez-Ojeda, Roberto
Superplasticity of ultrafine grained low-carbon HSLA steels
La temperatura de la intercara arrabio/refractario como variable determinante de los mecanismos de corrosión del crisol del horno alto
Structural Ultrafine Grained Steels Obtained by Advanced Controlled Rolling
Thermal modelling of a torpedo-car
Dual-phase ultrafine grained steels produced by controlled rolling processes
Superplastic HSLA Steels: Microstructure and Failure
Mechanical behaviour of thermomechanically produced ultrafine grained dual-phase steels
Ultrafine Grained HSLA Steels for Cold Forming
The Nodal Wear Model (NWM) as an Alternative to Understand the Mechanisms of Flow and Wear in the Blast Furnace Crucible
Effect of pressure in the microstructure of die cast Al-8.5Si-3.5cu alloys