Esta exposición pretende alentarles a escribir como clave de la vida intelectual y profesional de los profesores universitarios. Aspiro a persuadirlos de que si se empeñan en aprender a escribir y a comunicar lo escrito con otros, su vida se expandirá de forma insospechada hasta llegar a ser, verdaderamente, una gozosa vida intelectual. Aspiro a persuadirles de que no sólo «Vivir es escribir», como anotó Schlegel, sino que, para ustedes, escribir puede llegar a ser de las mejores cosas de su vida profesional y personal.
This article seeks to encourage professors to write as the key to their intellectual and professional lives as university professors. I aspire to persuade them that if they insist on learning how to write and to communicate with others through the written word, their life will expand in unsuspected ways, getting to be a truly joyful intellectual life. I aspire to persuade them not only that «Living is writing», as noted by Schlegel, but that, for them, writing may become on of the best things in their professional and personal life.