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Development of Transformational Social Entrepreneurship through Innovation Determinants in the Handicraft Industry of the Wayuu Community in Colombia

2018 , López-Hernández, Carlos

The indigenous community of Wayuu located in Colombia and Venezuela possesses a rich culture in customs and traditions. However, it has limited economic and material resources, which results in infant mortality and malnutrition. The craft industry in the community of Wayuu is the main source of income. Nevertheless, this economic activity does not generate the necessary income for the basic survival of its artisans. Tourism and crafts are two industries that are tightly linked, where innovation is key for their growth and development. In this research work, we analyse the capacity of innovation of the Wayuu crafts based on eight innovation factors developed by Naidu, Chand and Southgate. This determines the current assets with which this industry counts and those in need to be developed so the Wayuu community may grow a true social entrepreneurship—one that is able to solve the current social and economic problems without modifying its culture and regional roots.

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The good, the bad, and the ugly: organizational effectivity in human resources processes

2019 , Gaytán-Jiménez, Guadalupe , López-Hernández, Carlos , Jaqueline Cordero-Estefan

Learning outcomes Students are expected to achieve identify the prerequisites and basic to an institutionalization process; prioritize strategic human resources processes as a basis for the growth of the company; analyze the importance of the stages in human resources management; define the areas of opportunity and their respective action plans; and propose the leadership skills that a leader requires. Case overview/synopsis Tramuntana® is a travel agency that stands out for being a prime service, which is promoted by its own customers. Its founder wishes to institutionalize his company. The main problem in which they face to grow and consolidate is to maintain their human resources, and in which they cannot be retained, and therefore, do not have a solid structure. Complexity academic level Undergraduate and Graduate School of Business and executive education. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.

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A clustering algorithm for ipsative variables

2019 , Jesica Rubiano Moreno , Carlos Alonso Malaver , Nucamendi-Guillén, Samuel , López-Hernández, Carlos

The aim of this study is to introduce a new clustering method for ipsatives variables. This  method can be used for nominals or ordinals variables for which responses must be mutually exclusive, and it is independent of data distribution. The proposed method is applied to outline motivational profiles for individuals based on a declared preferences set.  A case study is used to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm by comparing proposed method results versus the PAM method. Results show that proposed method generate a better segmentation and differentiated groups. An extensive study was conducted to validate the performance clustering method against a set of random groups by clustering measures.

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Applying System Dynamics to a Negotiation Diagram

2020 , Sánchez-García, Jacqueline Y. , López-Hernández, Carlos

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Enhancing learning of accounting principles through experiential learning in a board game

2022 , López-Hernández, Carlos , Gloria Isabel Lizarraga-Álvarez , Soto-Pérez, Manuel

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Systemic complementarity, an integrative model of cooperation among small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in Mexico

2020 , J. Yvette Sánchez García , Núñez-Ríos, Juan E. , López-Hernández, Carlos

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El bueno, El malo y El FeoEfectividad organizacional en los procesos de recursos humanos

2019 , Gaytán-Jiménez, Guadalupe , López-Hernández, Carlos , Jaqueline Cordero-Estefan

Learning outcomes Se espera que los estudiantes logren: Identificar los requisitos previos y básicos a un proceso de institucionalización. Priorizar procesos estratégicos de recursos humanos como base para el crecimiento de la empresa. Analizar la importancia de las etapas en la gestión de recursos humanos. Definir las áreas de oportunidad y sus respectivos planes de acción. Proponer las habilidades de liderazgo que requiere un líder Case overview/synopsis Tramuntana® es una agencia de viajes que destaca por ser un servicio de primer nivel, promovida por sus propios clientes. Su fundador desea institucionalizar la empresa. El principal problema al que se enfrenta para crecer y consolidarse es mantener sus recursos humanos y que no pueden ser retenidos, por lo tanto, no tienen una estructura sólida. Complexity academic level Escuela de pregrado y posgrado de negocios y educación ejecutiva Supplementary materials Las Notas de enseñanza están disponibles solo para educadores. Póngase en contacto con su biblioteca para obtener detalles de inicio de sesión o envíe un correo electrónico a para solicitar notas de enseñanza Subject code CSS 1: Accounting and Finance

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The passport nightmare: business process analysis in public service

2020 , Ramirez-Nafarrate, Adrian , López-Hernández, Carlos

Learning outcomes Students should be able to: identify the elements of business processes; analyze efficiency measures; identify and define causes of poor efficiency in business process; analyze the results of a simulation model; propose process redesign alternatives based on the analysis; and acknowledge the challenges for improving public service processes. Case overview/synopsis The process to get a passport seems to be very simple, but Jose Hernandez, a Manufacturing Plant Director, has had bad experiences the past three times he has visited the passport office. He and his family have spent more than 3 h to get the passport for his little daughter, Maria. In this case, the authors illustrate the process analysis performed by Jose to find effective and efficient solutions to the problems that he found. The case study guides students through the analysis of a business process in public service from the perspective of the users. The students participating in the case analysis will not only learn to diagnose and describe the process but also to redesign it to achieve significant improvements. Furthermore, the students will realize that adding more resources to the process may not solve the fundamental issues, but analytical and creative skills are needed. In addition, the teaching notes provide a discussion about the existing challenges to improve public service processes. Complexity academic level Management and engineering undergraduate programs, operations management and business process design in Master of Business Administration programs. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 9: Operations and Logistics.

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Perfil de un grupo de audiencia universitaria en México según su participación ciudadana, confianza en las instituciones e interacción cívica en los medios en 2017

2019 , GUTIERREZ-RENTERIA, MARIA ELENA , Lea Hellmueller , Santana, Josefina C. , López-Hernández, Carlos , Martha-Guadalupe Pérez-Ayala Madero

Esta investigación de enfoque cuantitativo muestra las singularidades de una audiencia universitaria en México en 2017, medida según su participación cívica, la valoración que da a las instituciones y la actuación interactiva que tiene con los medios respecto a temas sociales y políticos. La población encuestada estuvo formada por 1,195 jóvenes adultos de 23 años de edad promedio y que forma parte de la comunidad universitaria  situada en Jalisco, Ciudad de México y Aguascalientes. Los resultados muestran que la participación offline de capital social fue más significativa que la online. Las instituciones que tuvieron índice aprobatorio fueron las religiosas, las universidades y los medios de comunicación. En este ámbito, existieron diferencias significativas al evaluarlas entre grupos de edad y según el sexo. Esta audiencia tuvo rasgos de ser pasiva y conservadora respecto a su consumo informativo y reflejó apatía para manifestar su opinión en los medios de comunicación del país.

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Factores de competitividad para medianas empresas de la industria del calzado en México

2017 , Rojas, Omar , Peña Serafìn, Mayra Lizett , López-Hernández, Carlos