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Development of Transformational Social Entrepreneurship through Innovation Determinants in the Handicraft Industry of the Wayuu Community in Colombia

2018 , López-Hernández, Carlos

The indigenous community of Wayuu located in Colombia and Venezuela possesses a rich culture in customs and traditions. However, it has limited economic and material resources, which results in infant mortality and malnutrition. The craft industry in the community of Wayuu is the main source of income. Nevertheless, this economic activity does not generate the necessary income for the basic survival of its artisans. Tourism and crafts are two industries that are tightly linked, where innovation is key for their growth and development. In this research work, we analyse the capacity of innovation of the Wayuu crafts based on eight innovation factors developed by Naidu, Chand and Southgate. This determines the current assets with which this industry counts and those in need to be developed so the Wayuu community may grow a true social entrepreneurship—one that is able to solve the current social and economic problems without modifying its culture and regional roots.

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El bueno, El malo y El FeoEfectividad organizacional en los procesos de recursos humanos

2019 , Gaytán-Jiménez, Guadalupe , López-Hernández, Carlos , Jaqueline Cordero-Estefan

Learning outcomes Se espera que los estudiantes logren: Identificar los requisitos previos y básicos a un proceso de institucionalización. Priorizar procesos estratégicos de recursos humanos como base para el crecimiento de la empresa. Analizar la importancia de las etapas en la gestión de recursos humanos. Definir las áreas de oportunidad y sus respectivos planes de acción. Proponer las habilidades de liderazgo que requiere un líder Case overview/synopsis Tramuntana® es una agencia de viajes que destaca por ser un servicio de primer nivel, promovida por sus propios clientes. Su fundador desea institucionalizar la empresa. El principal problema al que se enfrenta para crecer y consolidarse es mantener sus recursos humanos y que no pueden ser retenidos, por lo tanto, no tienen una estructura sólida. Complexity academic level Escuela de pregrado y posgrado de negocios y educación ejecutiva Supplementary materials Las Notas de enseñanza están disponibles solo para educadores. Póngase en contacto con su biblioteca para obtener detalles de inicio de sesión o envíe un correo electrónico a para solicitar notas de enseñanza Subject code CSS 1: Accounting and Finance

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Applying System Dynamics to a Negotiation Diagram

2020 , Sánchez-García, Jacqueline Y. , López-Hernández, Carlos

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Factores de competitividad para medianas empresas de la industria del calzado en México

2017 , Rojas, Omar , Peña Serafìn, Mayra Lizett , López-Hernández, Carlos

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Tequila Arette®

2023 , López-Hernández, Carlos , Francisco López , Ana Cristina González

Research methodology The case study is based on a series of in-depth interviews carried out with the owners and directors of the company. The data are complemented by documentary analysis, including descriptions of internal processes and industry information. For the teaching note, the authors opt for an exploratory study using the open-ended approach of grounded theory. Case overview/synopsis Arette® is a Mexican family business dedicated to the production and sale of tequila, fusing the artisanal with the new in its production processes. Sales take place mostly in the European and American markets. The foreign market for tequila is very attractive but also very demanding both in terms of financial resources and time. Although the company has managed to enter this market through bars and restaurants, it has not yet managed to reach the final consumers (those who order margaritas in bars). Jaime, Eduardo and Lalo are wondering whether it might be time to invest more resources in ensuring that Arette® is not just a brand for fine cocktails. Until now, their main promotional tool has been word of mouth, and they are not sure what their next step should be – to focus on the international or the domestic market. Complexity academic level The case study can be incorporated into undergraduate classes, where it could serve as part of an international marketing course, in particular, as an international sales strategy and implementation session. It can be used to teach basic concepts and their application. Learning objectives This case study focuses on the decision that many small companies have to make at some point in their business strategy, which is to focus either on the international or domestic market: The objectives are as follows: 1. To identify the variables that increase or modify the demand for Tequila. 2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on a domestic Tequila market or focusing on an international market. 3. Identify the critical variables that a small company faces if it wants to go international such as. 4. Identify if there are forms of diversification for Tequila Arette such as new markets or new products, or both.

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Enhancing learning of accounting principles through experiential learning in a board game

2022 , López-Hernández, Carlos , Gloria Isabel Lizarraga-Álvarez , Soto-Pérez, Manuel

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Systemic complementarity, an integrative model of cooperation among small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in Mexico

2020 , J. Yvette Sánchez García , Núñez-Ríos, Juan E. , López-Hernández, Carlos

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Historia del clúster de calzado en Jalisco y su impacto en la estructura industrial.

2018 , López-Hernández, Carlos

La historia de la industria del calzado en México demuestra que su declive obedece a muchas variables, como, por ejemplo, la apertura de los mercados internacionales y los costos de mano de obra, pero también la estructura organizacional de tipo industrial como lo es el fortalecimiento del clúster. En México, al igual que otros países como Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, China y Brasil, la industria del calzado se localiza y concentra en algunas regiones geográficas, de manera que el fortalecimiento de las relaciones existentes entre los participantes del clúster es lo que desarrolla y hace crecer la industria. En este trabajo de investigación se describe la estructura industrial del clúster de calzado en Jalisco y las transformaciones históricas que ha sufrido.

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Prioritizing factors for effective strategy implementation in small and medium-size organizations

2023 , Jose F. López-Torres , Sánchez-García, Jacqueline Y. , Núñez-Ríos, Juan E. , López-Hernández, Carlos

Purpose Organizations depend on multiple factors to maintain competitiveness and continuously adapt to the environment. Managers must know how to implement strategies while motivating the commitment of those involved. This study aims to present a model for prioritizing factors to promote effective strategy implementation in small- and medium-sized companies. Design/methodology/approach The authors adopted a systemic approach to articulate two instruments: social network analysis to identify the components that could affect strategy implementation, designing a conceptual model with this information, and analytical hierarchy process to validate the resulting construct. Findings The factors for effectively implementing strategies relate to the need for reinforcement, commitment, organizational culture, managerial skills, clear communication and involvement to reduce inconsistencies between the expected and current organizational state without neglecting coordination and management mechanisms. Research limitations/implications This work is limited to organizational matters. This study was conducted in collaboration with medium-sized Mexican companies with the participation of 94 managers with 10 years of experience. Although the results are mathematically rigorous, increasing the number of participants could enhance the approach to the problem. Practical implications This study could encourage academics and practitioners to target resources more accurately and improve organizational relationships to bridge the gap between strategic planning and practical implementation. Originality/value This study contrasts with previous research in proposing a systemic perspective that integrates participants’ experiences, developing a construct to determine and prioritize the factors to be addressed in strategy implementation. Therefore, this work invites the adoption of the proposed method as a complementary path to enrich academic and professional exchange.

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Analogía de negociaciones no éticas: historia y actualidad

2018 , López-Hernández, Carlos , Gaytán-Jiménez, Guadalupe

¿En qué se parecen los casos de escándalos éticos de Barclays y Enron con los de Dionisio de Siracusa y Aristóteles de Rodas? o ¿Los escándalos de Firestone y Madoff con Cleómenes de Alejandría y Mausolo de Caria? En los primeros, el engaño es la constante, en los segundos la amenaza; parecería imposible que con 2400 años de distancia las situaciones resultantes sean las mismas. El tema de las negociaciones bajo esquemas no éticos no es exclusivo de la era actual. Existen casos documentados por el filósofo Aristóteles desde hace 2400 años que lo comprueban, algunos de ellos son los engaños, abusos de poder y autoridad, amenazas y promesas no cumplidas, que benefician a una de las partes. La importancia de actuar éticamente radica en que los beneficios son de largo plazo, a diferencia de los no-éticos, cuyo beneficio es a corto plazo. En esta revisión de literatura se analiza la existencia de semejanzas entre los tratos de negociación no éticos tanto de casos históricos como casos de la era actual. Se concluye que es necesario estar conscientes de que estos patrones se han repetido y se pueden repetir, pero además que se tienen que establecer acciones para prevenirlas.