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The newsroom: Uso de una serie de televisión para la formación ética de futuros profesionales de la información

2017-03-24 , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa , Galbán-Lozano, Sara-Elvira , Ortega-Barba, Claudia-Fabiola

¿Cómo lograr que los estudiantes de comunicación integren en su vida profesional comportamientos éticos? Para responder a esta pregunta, el presente trabajo presenta el uso de las series de televisión en la docencia universitaria, como medio de aprendizaje. El artículo se configura en tres apartados: en el primero se presenta a la enseñanza universitaria como el contexto y a la ética profesional como el espacio curricular donde se desarrolla la propuesta. En el segundo se explica por qué el uso de series de televisión, además de motivar el interés de los estudiantes, facilita la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes éticas. En el tercer apartado se describe el uso de la serie The newsroom en el aula y algunos testimonios que evidencian la efectividad de la estrategia. ©2017 © EPI - El Profesional de la información. Copyright

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Children’s media environment : a study in Mexico City

2017 , Baptista-Lucio, Pilar , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

Why is it important to study children’s media environment? Because it represents a challenge to formal education, and most teachers seem to ignore the extent of their students´ immersion in media technologies. Innovative educators might use mobile technology in K-12 or social media for academic tasks, but in spite of these advances, promises about optimizing learning and thinking skills, seem somewhat distant, simply because technological innovations do not imply didactic innovations, nor encourage curiosity, decision-making, connections, and meaning. One piece missing is definitely the link between schools’ planned and formal education and children’s informal learning from their media environment where technology is an integral part of their lives. The media environment is defined here, as the complex system of communication messages that surrounds people and that are transmitted through traditional media such as closed television and radio, and new media formats that can be accessed through the Internet via television, computer, tablet or mobile phones. Certainly, today’s media environment is huge, diverse, fragmented and with all kinds of players competing for users attention, offering content with global availability at any time and everywhere. How do children relate to it? The answer to this research question was mainly guided by the Uses and Gratifications tradition (Katz, Blumer and Gurevitch, 1976) that conceives the child as a psychologically active person who seeks certain content, to cover some need. Scholars have noted that the Uses and Gratifications approach is a good framework to examine current communication behaviors in terms of a) Uses (what media, what channels, what content and in what extent) and motives (gratifications sought) to satisfy what needs. Results reported in this article pertain to the first stage of a bigger research project that began in 2016. For the present report a qualitative approach was used as a research strategy to ask non-obtrusively to a sample of 220 girls and boys from 3rd through 7th grade, registered at private and public schools located in three socioeconomic areas (A/B, C and D), to write an essay about the media they use and what they like or dislike about it. The written narratives were content analyzed and make up the core results of this study where a brief summary of findings is provided below. Media technologies are central children’s lives, they write about them with great enthusiasm and are knowledgeable about all sorts of content, some of it, not suitable for all ages. They like to be entertained, connected and report to learn from cartoons, drama, comedy series, sports, telenovelas, movies, reality shows, etc. Children in this sample, across all ages and socio-economic status, have access to television, computers, tablets, and mobiles, spending at least 4 hours daily using them. They are media multitaskers, juggling with TV or streaming content, texts, and blogs while doing homework or eat their meals. They draw a clear line between Internet uses for homework (serious stuff to complete information) from all the other fun content they seek different motives. The most surprising finding emerged through children’s narratives: Their teachers are banishing or limiting the use of ICT in the classroom, perhaps in an attempt to balance the avalanche of messages in children’s media environment. Implications of this disassociation are further discussed in the article. ©2017 IATED Academy

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Transmedia narratives and literacies : the case of children in Mexico City

2019 , Baptista-Lucio, Pilar , Fernández Collado, Carlos , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

The purpose of this study is to explore the recurrent narratives children select from their media environment. For most elementary school students, content exposure in digital media is a voluntary act, where they intentionally choose a certain type of content within the immense flow of communication messages circulating in all kinds of platforms and devices that make up what we call the media environment. Hence, from the Users and Gratifications premise that considers the child an active user of the media, the present article emphasizes the interconnectedness of modern media of communication and the narratives that emerged after analyzing children’s choices. Findings show four central narratives that indicate a transmedia storytelling phenomenon in the lives of children. The final discussion examines the implications of this for formal education. ©2019 International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)

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Ética de la comunicación digital: nuevos modelos e instrumentos de rendición de cuentas

2022 , Díaz-Campo, Jesús , Rodríguez-Martínez, Ruth , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa , Fengler, Susanne

El contexto periodístico actual presenta numerosos cambios estructurales, entre los que podemos citar el fin del modelo de negocio anterior, una nueva relación con la audiencia o una nueva organización en las redacciones. Todos esos elementos, sumados a la crisis de credibilidad o el peligro de la desinformación, provocan que la ética y la deontología estén asistiendo a una profunda transformación de los principios clásicos como el respeto a la verdad, la privacidad o la no discriminación, ya que aunque siguen siendo válidos- exigen ser redefinidos para adaptarse al nuevo ecosistema digital. Si bien los periodistas digitales se enfrentan a los mismos dilemas con los que han lidiado los periodistas tradicionales, ahora además tienen otros nuevos. En ese escenario, la rendición de cuentas adquiere una importancia central a la hora de restablecer la confianza de los ciudadanos en los medios de comunicación. Hay tres elementos esenciales para alcanzar esa meta: la transparencia, la autoregulación y la participación del público. Este número especial pretende arrojar algo de luz sobre algunas nuevas estrategias, como los métodos innovadores de verificación, que pueden constituirse como armas efectivas frente a la desconfianza.

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Competencies and soft skills development by integral projects at Universidad Panamericana (Mexico)

2020 , Fernández-de-Castro, J. , Flores Munguía, María Fernanda , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

When students only attend a class inside a classroom to listen to a professor, they do not have enough opportunities to develop all the hard and soft skills needed for excellent performance on their personal and professional lives (Quieng, et al. 2015). They may have a significant amount of information. However, they are are not able to transfer their main learnings to real-life situations, solve different kinds of problems, work collaboratively, make appropriate decisions, and many other essential outcomes needed for nowadays society (Brown et al. 2017).

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El peligro de ejercer periodismo en México : análisis de la cobertura informativa del asesinato de Javier Valdez según el enfoque del Peace journalism

2018 , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

La violencia hacia periodistas en México y en especial en el estado de Sinaloa, ha aumentado sus cifras a través de los años. ¿En este entorno es posible ejercer un periodismo de paz propuesto por Galtung (2002)? Más aún ¿se puede informar sobre la violencia ejercida contra los periodistas con el enfoque del peace journalism? En este artículo se analizó la cobertura informativa dada al asesinato del periodista Javier Valdez Cárdenas, hecho que revolucionó a periodistas y medios de comunicación de todo el país. A través del análisis de contenido (Berelson 1952; Krippendorf 1990) se revisaron los enfoques noticiosos de 366 noticias de los periódicos locales, en su versión en línea, Noroeste y El Debate, y de los nacionales Reforma y El Universal. Los resultados mostraron que, en general, la cobertura fue con un enfoque hacia el war journalism. © 2018, Universidad de Piura

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How to generate a motivative, effective, trusting, innovative and creative work environment that fosters the creation of innovative educational experiences : Smart Center ideation

2020 , Armesto Camargo, Georgina , Repellin Moreno, Adriana Agnes , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

Nowadays, education institutions seek to innovate their methodologies to enhance their learning processes to be more effective. To achieve this, it is fundamental for the people who create educational experiences to build a high-performance work team. For this, working in atmospheres that foster motivation, effectiveness, creativity, innovation, and trust is vital. Project managers play a central role in setting the work environment that generates a high-performance work team. A high-performance work team is "a group of goal-focused individuals with [...] complementary skills who collaborate, innovate and produce a consistently superior result. "[1] This paper presents the project management process that SMART CENTER, a student center at Universidad Panamericana, followed to achieve an innovative, effective and highly engaging experience called SMART Room for more than 100 students in a time frame of 5 weeks and a team of only 10 people. This article will cover each step taken for the ideation, organization, planning, and execution of the SMART Room and will explain the basic principles so that anyone can replicate it in their teams and projects. ©2020 Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability; North American Business Press.

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Mujeres. Análisis emocional en la ficción seriada multiplataforma

2023 , María José Labrador , Arrojo Maria Jose , Romano, Carmen , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa , Martín, María Elena , Carmen Vidal

El impulso de los movimientos feministas actuales y, sobre todo, una toma de conciencia mayor de la diversidad de género, ha provocado cambios importantes en los roles. Al día de hoy, podemos encontrar numerosas ficciones en las que sus personajes femeninos principales son valientes, fuertes, y resolutivas, pero no por ello adquieren matices de masculinidad cuando llegan al poder. Se trata de personajes femeninos con relieve, que tienen capacidad en la toma de decisiones, y que habitualmente nos animan a reflexionar sobre las desigualdades persistentes. El trabajo de investigación que se recoge en este libro es oportuno y necesario, ya que busca analizar la representación de la mujer y sus características a través del análisis del contenido de cuatro series: "The Crown" (2016-2020, cuatro temporadas), "The good wife" (2009 -2016, siete temporadas), "Isabel" (2012-2013, tres temporadas) y "La reina del Sur" (2011- 2019, dos temporadas). Esta publicación aporta novedad en, al menos, cuatro aspectos. Combina en una sola obra (i) un marco teórico innovador, el de las Ciencias Aplicadas del Diseño y las Ciencias de lo Artificial para analizar estos nuevos fenómenos; (ii) una metodología también novedosa, la utilización de las técnicas basadas en la neurociencia para conocer el grado de atención y emoción que suscitan los personajes femeninos en las series analizadas; (iii) el propio entorno en el que se desarrolla el campo de estudio también es nuevo, ya que analiza el desarrollo de las series de ficción en el entorno de las plataformas digitales; y (iv) por último, el propio objeto de estudio, la proliferación de personajes femeninos fuertes, como protagonistas de las series de ficción. Se aborda así este fenómeno desde la perspectiva teórico práctica, y desde la perspectiva de la recepción por parte de la audiencia, lo que sin duda constituirá un verdadero aporte tanto para la academia como para la industria audiovisual.

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Periodismo y Cine: contenidos, audiencias, docencia, nuevos formatos y espacios de exhibición [Presentación del monográfico]

2024 , María-Ángeles Chaparro-Domínguez , Luis Deltell-Escolar , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

This monographic issue addresses the relationships between journalism and cinema. It includes ten research papers, nine of which focus on cinema about journalism, that is, films and television series that center around the media and the work of journalists. These studies approach the topic from various perspectives, such as film noir, humor, feminism, ethics, and different geographical contexts like Colombia, Spain, or the United States of America. Based on their main findings, it is observed that in this type of cinema, which has been evolving since the early 20th century, negative stereotypes about the journalism profession persist. Additionally, this issue features a study about film journalism, a specialty that, despite its social impact, consolidation, and evolution, has been scarcely addressed by academia in recent years. We trust that this monograph will contribute to arousing scientific interest in this type of cultural journalism and also expand the scope of the study of cinema about journalism.

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Applying the Contemplative Technopedagogy Framework: Insights for Teaching Ethics Using TV Series

2021 , Shanks, Justin D. , Scalzo, Germán , Nicolás Gavilán, María Teresa

Digital media and technology are nearly ubiquitious in contemporary higher education, As such, researchers and educators are keen to identify best practices and understand impacts. Digital media and technology present opportunities to cultivate interactive, creative teaching-learning communities. However, inclusion of digital media and technology in a course does not necessarily cultivate creative engagement or deep reflection among students. This manuscript studies how a contemplative approach to teaching with digital media, specifically TV series, can lead to more effective and engaging in the process of teaching professional ethics. This research explores how the Contemplative Technopedagogy Framework can enrich the use of TV series for teaching professional ethics and positively influence the effective integration of ethical behavior into university students’ future professional lives. © 2021, NeilsonJournals Publishing. All rights reserved.